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Everything posted by hodge247hd

  1. actually after some tinkering I think I may have fixed that issue I am now faced with this error http://pastebin.com/kjbGHsmp saying that ContainerWorkSurface cannot be cast to GuiScreen. I'm not sure how I would reference that in containerWorkSurface
  2. How do you mean? ex: the "S", "S", "S", ) add recipe method in my crafting manager?
  3. So this year I decided to go with a home made Christmas present for my little brother. The problem I am having is coming from the custom 5x5 crafting table I have began creating. It renders beautifully in-game but when you right click it for the GUI to come up the game crashes. Any help that can be offered on this would be much appreciated . At this point I have been trying to fix this error for about 3 days with no success. Honestly it would be cool to just have it open up the vanilla minecraft crafting table GUI instead. Crash Error Log: http://pastebin.com/7AE49vHJ Main mod file: http://pastebin.com/MMb12ceE Custom Table Block: http://pastebin.com/hmET8CNy Container Class: http://pastebin.com/TRZ62LxU TileEntity Class: http://pastebin.com/GiemhN5a Client Proxy Class: http://pastebin.com/fJXxhQPH
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