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Everything posted by insanekiller1

  1. Just tried it with optifine on 1.7 and 1.8 and both crashes in game. I also get this msg called "You Display Driver Has Stopped Responding and has Successfully Recovered". I will report this to Optifine.net
  2. I may have found the problem. There are 2 ways to update your driver, 1 is doing it manually. Manually did not work. Then I tried Intel Driver Update Utility and that worked for some reason. But it downgraded the version. I'll try this with optifine to see if its optifines causing the crash or something else. Thanks for the support guys. I will reply back if their are any further issues with my game crashing.
  3. Still crashing, crashing when optifine is not acvive
  4. Did that, went through all the java stuff like 7 and 8 and reinstalling it, trying 32 and 64 bit, even different builds of java... No luck
  5. No, this is what causes the crash of my game. Minecraft freezes and pauses sound (Like lagging) then the screen goes white but you can still move and hear, but you just cant see what your doing because the screen of minecraft ie white
  6. Here it is: http://pastebin.com/NExba5t8
  7. This is a bug when trying to connect to servers. When I try to connect to servers it brings up 2 things, a IP forwarding thingy (You Will See in The Video) and a Timeout msg (Both in game, No Crashes). Using Forge (Installer) With Minecraft 1.8 Youtube Link: http://youtu.be/o6_emV2CbUg
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