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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by NextInima

  1. i have a standart bar in minecraft int expbar = (int) (((double) 194) * (rins.getCURRENTLEVELEXP()) / rins.getNEXTLEVELMAXEXP()); GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); drawTexturedModalRect(xPos -94, yPos - 32 + 3, 0, 9, expbar, 7); this is going normal like the normal expbar of minecraft. But how i can change the drawing from right to left to left to right?
  2. For all who have the same problem he is my eventhandler @SubscribeEvent(priority=EventPriority.NORMAL) public void onRenderExperienceBar(RenderGameOverlayEvent.Pre event) { if(event.type == ElementType.ARMOR) { event.setCanceled(true); } }
  3. thanks it works xDD and where is the thank you button???
  4. how to disable the Armor and hungerbar? is there a handler in forge api to disable it? I want to render some new bars at its location, for now i just Overlap the bars, but i want francy transparent bars. this is my goal. btw i am not native english speaker and i dont learn english in school. thx
  5. how i can thank you ? where is this button xDD
  6. the problem is that the function seems so go in emptyness my serverdata is correct, but it just nothing happend. System.out.println( FMLClientHandler.instance().getServer()); this.field_146811_z = new ServerData("Rin-Online", ""); FMLClientHandler.instance().connectToServer( FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().currentScreen, field_146811_z); this is what i have. but i am a nooby at servermanagement... and english^^
  7. nobody?
  8. thx for your response. yae i also looked at the Serverdata , but i dont understand the format for it. i add a new data to the serverlist, but i cant connect to him ingame. It shows the new server a the main menu Multiplayer. I have to learn how i can connect without useing the gui
  9. ok i get some things. 1. the method to connect is FMLClientHandler.instance().connectToServer(this, serverdata); 2. serverdata is serverdata whhhatt??^^
  10. just a ground question. I want that if the player on my server klick a button , that he will join an other server. I ask for a start tip thanks ur nexti
  11. Ok i get it by myself!
  12. Hey Guys! again thanks u all for help. i just want to say that! I have a problem with the Render of my projektil. i want to make 2 typs of it one is allready dont, it fly like and help item. the secound i want to do, is that he flys like 90° ..btw from the shooting entity, like is full 3D I hope u can help me.! my render code is its not my code, its copy paste from many google sites i have found,.... shame on me
  13. OK i tried alot xDDD now i can spawn this entity on my server with a packet send by keyputhandler! and if the server "say true" , then server is sending back a packet to client for sync the entityspawn i have another Questtion to ask now. I want a Timer is my skill so the Block spawn LATER, i tried many tuts from my firend Gooogle, but i dont understand how, it frezz alltime the whole server
  14. nobody know how i can do dmg to entitys?...
  15. ok i try some typs of vanilla projektil, there are no impacteffets. I do it like this When the projectile hits something , nothing happens I hope someone can help me...mhh
  16. dont do it... i can shoot but there are no impacteffects..
  17. I will try it, but i am not at home . But thanks for ur help , i hope it works
  18. i will post all Files for this entity ProjektilBase this code for shooting the Projektil my Projektil Render And if i Hit a Entity with this Projektil .
  19. Hey guys, first... my English is bad and sorry for this, but i dont learn it in school. So.. i make my Mod and i have a problem when i fire a Projektil on a mob or ground. The file is this if i shoot this Projektil , it fly away and collide why walls or entitys and despawn(died) but there dont spawn a Block at Air or a Entity is taken Damage. btw rly sorry for this english, i will use the google translator in the next post!
  20. So now i have minecraft_server (jarfile) (old fmluniversaljar) and minecraft_server.1.8 (jarfile) if i start my server in the webinterface of Multicraft my variabls are (i havnt java on this server before, its installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java)\jre7\bin) i create also in the main diretory a Start.bat file with the followin code inside: if i Click on this bat, nothings happend. So i am not a expert, but maybe a other wrong think? (wrong java installed?) do i need to test this server with a other programm? mymcadmin? AGAIN PLS SRY FOR MY WORST ENG EU!!
  21. Hello guys and forgeteam, first sorry for my bad english, yeah i have to learn it better but i am still to old >.< so... I want to set up a Server with forge, i downloaded it and install it (on windows). now i start is with "Multicraft" but the Serverconsol says: i had google this problem and found many thinks. - i upload all minecraft server jars and DONT RENAMED THEM. - i upload the Libaris manualy btw... i do in the "server_jar" field on multicraft webinterface -> "fml-1.8-" is this right?
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