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Huge fixes, repetition and improved rotation (August 7 2016)http://commandrunnermod.com/2016-07-04_01.03.30.png[/img]. Also a companion mod called BlockDumpMod, a utility to create execute commands or dump the information from blocks to a report.
Hi, Quick notes. 1) First you have no packages in the java source. (e.g package com.mymods.testcommandmod; ) 2) I do the register in server start. @EventHandler public void serverStart(FMLServerStartingEvent event) { MinecraftServer server = event.getServer(); ICommandManager command = server.getCommandManager(); ServerCommandManager manager = (ServerCommandManager) command; ICommand cmd; if (strFiles == null) { cmd = new ExecuteFile(server); manager.registerCommand(cmd); } else { // This sends the directory list of files to the command for tabcompletion of file names. strFiles is loaded in the server once. cmd = new ExecuteFile(server, mydirProperty.getString(), strFiles); manager.registerCommand(cmd); } } 3) By the Way : Do the recommended housekeeping I set up the apache logger and set accepted versions, et al. public static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(MODID); And in the @MOD annotation, I added the maven formatted acceptedVersions; and required-after e.g. public static final String REQUIRED_AFTER = "required-after:Forge@[,]";
[1.9.4][SOLVED!] Colour codes in lang (Command)
Botjoe replied to MCrafterzz's topic in Modder Support
Is it more correct to implement ICommand rather than extend CommandBase for this type of command? When would one not choose ICommand? -
My source is out there for command runner mod. It's procedural (will be) with !for, !wait, and !replacing macros. I currently recursively rotate. It has one command executefile example /executefile File load1.caleb byline rotateplayerfacing cascade cascade causes "cascade rotation" recursion for called files. Couldn't think of a better name late at night. I do need a different approach, in rotating blocks. www.commandrunnermod.com
1.9.4 is Updated for 1.10. fixes command completion. Sample .caleb files below. Trefoil4.caleb (Creates a trefoil). And a sample with command blocks.
Correction or Workaround 1.10 - make commands lowercase only.
Botjoe replied to Botjoe's topic in Support & Bug Reports
I originally developed the mod to have an uppercase command called "ExecuteFile". I had always typed the ExecuteFile command and then used tab completion to add the rest of the command arguments. I discovered recently that the tab completion was not working, so after trying a number of things , I changed the command to lowercase. Causing the problem. 1) Created a command mod with the command name "ExecuteFile". 2) in the command execute coded to get list of matching command strings. then 3) Typed any command starting with e (e.g. /exec) then tabbed. 4) Entry clears to / then 3) Typed the command to /ExecuteF then tabbed. 4) Entry shows /ExecuteFile and works normally then 3) Typed /execute {space} 4) Entry shows /execute and works normally then 3) Typed /execute without a space 4) Entry clears to / This caused the command to clear on the tab until after the F is entered. The user could enter 'execute space' and the string would not reset (deleted to the first /). I don't believe this is a forge behavior. This has the issues. if (args.length <= 0) { List<String> ly = getListOfStringsMatchingLastWord(args, "ExecuteFile","/ExecuteEile"); return ly; } This works fine. if (args.length <= 0) { List<String> ly = getListOfStringsMatchingLastWord(args, "executefile","/executefile"); return ly; } Now typing /e {tab} displays /execute, /entitydata, /effect, /executefile, /enchant and sets the entry to /execute Thank you. I don't think that this is a forge behavior. I failed to use a convention of lower case commands. ----- Opinion ---- To me, it's a workaround, or fail to follow convention. While much of the rest of minecraft is inconsistent on case, commands appear to be lowercase. My reason to view it as a "gotta know" stems from how commands are parsed in terms of case in ordinary minecraft. For example in standard minecraft, as a command, using /kill @e[type=villager] (entity uuid error) will not work, and /kill @e[Type=Villager] will kill everything (matches every entity), only /kill @e[type=Villager] will correctly work. Knowing to type /kill @e[type=Villager] is a "gotta know". That's why I think it's not a forge issue, but modders should know. -
Just noticed that commands seem to must be lowercase in the first argument for the tab completion to work (might just be the first character). ExecuteFile and execute interfere with each other (will clear to the first /). But executefile and execute work fine. Nothing different but the name of the command. Easier to change to be consistent and use lowercase than to try to figure it out. (Probably happened in 1.9 versions also.) Just a shoulda known better. So the workaround or correction is always use lowercase for command names.
Blocks that are totally custom. Need to tell if they are a "Block Type"
Botjoe replied to Botjoe's topic in Modder Support
Appreciated. I considered that in 1.8, but couldn't consistently get non-vanilla blocks in other mods to work as well as TileEntities. I will change the weird bit manipulation, that is hacked from 1.7 into 1.8 and 1.9 code. Mostly, I want to have the everything in a block or tileentity rotate relative to an ordinal direction. -
To encourage better behavior (like Java , I'd like to suggest a startup warning for the forge user if the running directory is exactly ".minecraft". "Forge recommends a separate game directory, and a separate profile specifically to each version of forge. Put all the mods that are appropriate to the version in that version's mod game directory. You can set this in the launcher. "
Other modders, forgers, do you always extend an block from existing block type (e.g. BlockStair,BlockSign)? Is there something else I should do, also? Ok, I can easily tell that a Block yourmods_stair is a stair if the yourmod's Block is instanceof BlockStair and get any new IDs from the registry. I need to know what the block type is to rotate the meta. Is there any way to ensure I know the type of object is a "stair" assuming another modder correctly defined it. I prefer not to have more bodgey code than I have now. I need to know from the tags and datavalues to rotate them before I place something.
Version Strings - skipping the mod the correct way...
Botjoe replied to Botjoe's topic in Modder Support
Closing the thread for now. Rethinking how to make it easier. -
Version Strings - skipping the mod the correct way...
Botjoe replied to Botjoe's topic in Modder Support
It's that the error is displayed and the game stops. I have no big objection to a displayed error, i do object to errors that don't have a clear resolution for the end user. -
Version Strings - skipping the mod the correct way...
Botjoe replied to Botjoe's topic in Modder Support
Not really looking to ignore errors, I prefer the mod to be ignored, in the any unsupported versions. Errors are good, but only when it's obvious what to do next. What I'd have as my use case is ... 1) Loader checks versions. 2) If not in versions, then ignore mod. Not ignore errors, handle errors by not activating. Does the slim class still show up a loaded mod? Yes. A slim class is OK, but is out of common practice. The alternative use case is to be obvious to the user. Either having some better help message saying 'Recommend to have a separate game directory for each forge version's profile', or a help screen available from the ForgeGuiFactory config (About Mods). -
Version Strings - skipping the mod the correct way...
Botjoe replied to Botjoe's topic in Modder Support
Thank you. Currently, my installed Forge 1.9.x (e.g 1887) does not activate some 1.7.10 mods ('sureen') in the same directory, with out error or comment. The 1.7.10 mods are only active (Instantiated) in 1.7.10 forge, and they don't activate in 1.9 forge. OK, I see that fml is no more, so it's supporting a prior behavior. Adding and deleting mods in a directory I'm used to, but not pleased with. Is there a better practice, that I'm missing? since it's not acceptedSaveVersions or anything else. Is there a way to self disable before the loader? I'm looking for a quiet dontLoadMod. Is there another (looking at Loader.java for one, i don't see one) practice, that I am missing? -
I'd like my mod to only load on versions I expect (1.9 after 1887 or 1.9.4, and not be attempted to be loaded on forges for MC 1.8.x or 1.7.x, or any 1.10) forge. I have dependencies set, but that's not really what I want, nor is accepted version. I am used to maven version strings, but I just want to know, how do I get forge to not generate an error on any newer or later version of anything. I'd like it to skip my mod correctly. Most mod seem to use dependencies="" @Mod(modid = CommandRunnerMod.MODID, version = CommandRunnerMod.VERSION, acceptedMinecraftVersions = CommandRunnerMod.ACCEPTED_VERSIONS,dependencies=CommandRunnerMod.REQUIRED_AFTER) public class CommandRunnerMod { public static final String MODID = "CommandRunnerMod"; public static final String VERSION = "1.9.4"; public static final String REQUIRED_AFTER = "required-after:Forge@[,]"; String [] strFiles; public static final String ACCEPTED_VERSIONS = "1.9,1.9.4";