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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I have had the error before; I fixed it following the steps you showed above^ I tried it again and it doesn't seem to be working this time.
  2. Bit off topic but; why is there a red explanation mark on my project? http://prntscr.com/5n1vvt
  3. you use the onBlockActivated method, like this @Override public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int par6, float par7, float par8, float par9){ if(player.getHeldItem() != null && player.getHeldItem().getItem() == YOURITEMHERE){ //Do SOMETHING Here } Stack traces for days.
  4. How do you use the params? (Sorry, I am really new to Modding).
  5. Hi! How would I get the block that a player right clicked? I want this to work only when I have a certain (custom) item in my hand. How would I achieve this?
  6. So, one thing, if you were a regular IntelliJ user, would you know too remove a Jar when there is a red ! on the Project? I wouldn't think so... Anyway, I do not quite understand what you are saying, could you re-phrase? Aside from that, I managed to re-install forge, here are the Jars that are imported; http://prntscr.com/5ms74m I get an error when trying to re-install it; :makeStart FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':makeStart'. > Cannot find System Java Compiler. Ensure that you have installed a JDK (not ju st a JRE) and configured your JAVA_HOME system variable to point to the accordin g directory. * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. BUILD FAILED Total time: 2 mins 48.829 secs I watched multiple tutorials, along with Oracles tutorial, it seems it didn't work, can anyone help me? (:
  7. Hi, I am just starting to learn how to make mods. I have set up Gradle and opened eclipse in the right directory (Forge\eclipse). When I first started it up it gave me an error, being a regular Eclipse user I proceeded to remove one of the Jars that was creating an error. This turned out real bad, everything un-imported and I forgot the Jar name... (I have a feeling it started with "undefined"). If anyone can help me I'd be very grateful.
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