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Posts posted by dyrewulf

  1. What I recommend:


    Start slow. Adding blocks, items and recipes is easy. Start by doing those simple things to get you used to making things. Then work your way up to more difficult things, such as adding some enchantments and some biomes.


    There are plenty of tutorials that more or less hold your hand through these processes. Then, tweak the things that you've done from tutorials. That will determine if you've actually learned how it works, or if the tutorial was a crutch.


    After you've played around with those things for a few weeks, you should be able to tackle some more complicated stuff. Carry a notebook with you and write down what you want to do and how it might run. Writing will organize your thoughts. Sometimes a flowchart will help, or simply listing what a class needs to know to accomplish it's task is enough.

  2. Hey, I've googled and tried everything I've found to no avail.


    I am writing my own mod, and when it came down to world generation, I figured I would have to do it in a new dimension. I wanted to use the MultiWorld mod and reference it's API (thereby making my mod dependent on MultiWorld). When I add the MultiWorld jar to my reference library in my eclipse workspace it is not reference-able:









    First of all, is there a way to do what I want, and how do I get there?


    Alternatively, if there is a better way of doing what I want to do, please point me in the right direction.

    At this point, I want to create a dimension with a limited number of biomes, and I will want to include my own custom biomes and structure generation.

  3. Hello all,


    I am a noob modder. I've taken college classes in Java and C++, but it wasn't my major. (Went to school for art instead of CompSci.) I've googled tutorials, and so far done okay. I've got blocks, items, recipes and enchantments down. Yeah, those are easy.


    My next goal was world-generation. I've done some reading and I've done some hacking. Here is what I want I want to do:


    I want to generate a world that is all desert and wasteland. From what I know now, you cannot remove 'vanilla' biomes from world generation. So I have a few thoughts:


    A) write my own world generation that would take existing biomes and rewrite them. That would create a lot of work for the computer, create a chunk, then re-write the chuck replacing blocks already generated by vanilla.


    B) re-write all the world generation code to do what I want. Currently this is beyond my scope, but if that is the best way, I would still need advice in how to proceed.


    C) use an existing Mod and distribute my mod with a Mod pack that requires the existing mod. For example, make my Mod require Biomes O' Plenty, and reference BoP code when generating a world tailored to my mod.


    My currant inclination is to create a new dimension that is only desert and wasteland biomes and teleport new players into the the new dimension when they log in.


    Any thoughts would be appreciated.



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