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Everything posted by AXELTOPOLINO

  1. MCAnimator Alpha 1.0 We have just released a prerelease to let you play with this awesome model editor and to show you all the features we have already added in. In this version you won't be able to export the models into Minecraft (we are still working on it), but you can import all the models from Techne and obviously save all your projects to finish them later. Download the prerelease at the MinecraftForum topic: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-tools/2187221-alpha-mcanimator-already-1000-downloads-create How to use: extract the directory anywhere and double click the .jar file. You need Java 7. [embed=425,349] [/embed] Forget Techne and all its bugs and limitations! MCAnimatoris a new free editor that let you create your own Minecraft models and animate them without knowing how to code. Similar to Techne graphic, but completely made in Java for a perfect compatibility with all the computers, the MCAnimator will make your life a lot easier. MAIN FEATURES PLANNED FEATURES Please check the official topic. We will soon create an official website and many tutorials to help you creating awesome models for your mods! Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigitalDragonStudios
  2. As diesieben07 said, the only way is moving the Forge line in the Minecraft run() method. It's an easy fix, but someone must do it (I'm not good at github at all unluckily). Jabelar, I tried the same stuff yesterday and I already said your thoughts in my previous posts, like: Obviously, you mustn't use reflections for native code and using the workaroud diesieben07 suggested is good enough, just remember to remove the keybind from the list when it has been released. Anyway we are all waiting for this little feature and I hope to see it in the next Forge versions Have a good day guys! Axel
  3. Thanks coolAlias for your useful answer, on the keyDown event I'll add that key to a list which is looped every tick. For each entry of that list I will check if it is still pressed. If it's has just been released, it will apply the correct code and remove that entry from the list. Seems really fair to me, but dirty Thanks again!
  4. EDIT: I still don't get how can I detect the key released in a onUpdate function. I tried this, but it will override also all MC keybinds: @SubscribeEvent public void tickClient(ClientTickEvent e) { System.out.println("TESTING"); while (Keyboard.next()) { System.out.println("TESTING STUFF0"); if (Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { System.out.println("TESTING STUFF1a"); FMLCommonHandler.instance().fireKeyInput(); //KeyInputEvent (on key press) } else { System.out.println("TESTING STUFF1b"); SWKeyHandler.keyUp(Keyboard.getEventKey()); //My KeyOutputEvent (on key release) } } } Do you have any other solution? Thanks again, Axel
  5. Thanks guys for your answers, I will probably follow coolAlias steps. It's just that I seriously don't like when the code is messy and having all the key events around the code is surely a terrible behaviour for any good coder Hope Forge guys will re-add this useful feature anytime soon, Axel
  6. Hello Forge users, I'm updating my mod from 1.6.4 to 1.7.2. My main problem right now is the new way for handling key events. I mean, they are working fine, but I don't know how to do stuff only when the key is up (after it has been pressed). So the problem is that I don't know how to update the old KeyHandler method called keyUp(). I have found only this topic: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=18138.0 but the solution suggested is really terrible (I don't want to check for keys in a onUpdate() function..) Thanks for the help in advance, Axel
  7. Wow, this time both your answers are very useless. 1. Nobody said that my mod only uses the zip file. 2. I need to check it BEFORE the player starts the game, so I need to know a unique way for detecting Forge's version or at least if Forge is installed. Any idea? Thank you
  8. Hello guys, I'm making a custom installer for one of my mods and I need to detect if the right Forge version has already been installed correctly into Minecraft. How could I do that? I already have the correct path to the MC directory, I just have to detect if Forge is there, but what should I check exactly? Thanks guys as always, Axel
  9. Thanks TGG, but I solved using IEntityAdditionalData interface. Nice ideas anyway, but remember that DataWatcher has a limit and my mod is already using 3 values of it. Bye, Axel
  10. Hello guys, I feel pretty newbie asking this, but I'm not sure what's the best way to do it. I have a mob that has got the custom field "species". Depending on this value, the client must render a different model. So how can I sync this value between server and the clients? I don't want to use the dataWatcher for this so small and "easy" thing. Do you know any better way? Of course "species" value is set only when the mob is created the first time, then it's saved in the NBT but it will never change. Thanks in advance, Axel
  11. Hello guys, I've just made a new mob and I'd like to check if there's any other mob in front of it. If NOT my mob should throw an arrow, otherwise it shouldn't do that (so it shouldn't damage its "allies"). I'm actually creating an invisible entity for this which collides with any possible mob and check if my mob can shoot, but it wastes a lot of useful memory and packets. Is there any other way for doing that? Like for ex. a ray tracing way (I don't know what should I look for in order to learn about ray tracing)? Thanks and have a good day/night, Axel
  12. Many thanks MineMaarten, just to know: how can I actually mask more than 1 value? For example I have: - the 4 directions - on/off - open/close How can I get the 4 directions preserving the on/off and the open/close? Is it something like: public int getDirection(World world, int x, int y, int z){ return world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) & 3 & 4; //mask the on/off state and the open/close state } Thanks again! Axel
  13. Hello guys, I've got a custom block and I'm trying to use its metadata. I'd like to store in its metadata 2 things: 1) The direction of the block (4 values: from 0 to 3) 2) If the block is ON (2 values: 0 or 1). How can I do that? I know about bitwise operations, but how can I use them in this case? Thanks in advance, Axel
  14. Hello guys, I'd like to know what is the max range inside of which entities are spawned in clients (I mean the distance where the client asks to server for downloading entities data). The other question is: do players in other dimensions load entity of a player that join the game in another dimension (for ex. you are in the Nether and a new player join the game and spawns on Earth. Do your client generate a new entity instance for this player or does it wait for when you come back on Earth?) Sorry for the difficult explanation and as always thanks, Axel
  15. Thanks, good to know, I will try when it will be needed (I've used ReflectionHelper instead of my old reflection code ). Axel
  16. Hello guys, I've got a strange problem. In order to check if Minecraft is obfuscated or not I use this function: public boolean classExists(String className){ try { Class.forName(className); return true; }catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) { return false; } } Using as parameter "net.minecraft.block.Block". So if Block class exists it means that MC is not obfuscated. The problem is that this function returns TRUE even if I'm testing the mod on the real Minecraft. So, is there another way to detect if MC is obfuscated or not? Thanks! Axel
  17. Perfect, thanks as always LexManos!
  18. Hello guys, I'm trying to recompile the StarWars mod, but I get 78 warning about deprecated methods (just skipped them) and 4 errors which stop the process. The errors are all the same type: D:\MC modding\mod_starwars\1.x.x\SW 1.1.3 - Forge 9.11.0 - Minecraft 1.6.4\forge\mcp\src\minecraft\cpw\mods\fml\common\ObfuscationReflectionHelper.java:36: type parameters of <T>T cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance exists for type variable T with upper bounds T,java.lang.Object return ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(classToAccess, instance, fieldIndex); ^ D:\MC modding\mod_starwars\1.x.x\SW 1.1.3 - Forge 9.11.0 - Minecraft 1.6.4\forge\mcp\src\minecraft\cpw\mods\fml\common\ObfuscationReflectionHelper.java:61: type parameters of <T>T cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance exists for type variable T with upper bounds T,java.lang.Object return ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(classToAccess, instance, remapFieldNames(classToAccess.getName(),fieldNames)); ^ D:\MC modding\mod_starwars\1.x.x\SW 1.1.3 - Forge 9.11.0 - Minecraft 1.6.4\forge\mcp\src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ModLoader.java:482: type parameters of <T>T cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance exists for type variable T with upper bounds T,java.lang.Object return ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(instanceclass, instance, fieldindex); ^ D:\MC modding\mod_starwars\1.x.x\SW 1.1.3 - Forge 9.11.0 - Minecraft 1.6.4\forge\mcp\src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ModLoader.java:496: type parameters of <T>T cannot be determined; no unique maximal instance exists for type variable T with upper bounds T,java.lang.Object return ObfuscationReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(instanceclass, instance, field); ^ 2 errors come from my code (I did some reflections to get some private MC fields but they should work), but the other 2 come from Forge stuff! What should I do? I have already installed forge for 1.6.4 twice Thanks you a lot guys, Axel
  19. Still looking for working with a normal mod+ a coremod in eclipse. I'll try now to look for some existing code in any complicated mod...but it won't probably help me about this Axel
  20. So there's no way for using a coremod in eclipse? I just read this in minecraftforum, does it actually work for calling normal mods+coremods in the same workspace? And the last question for now: I see many .patch files in some coremods...What is the software or java library that generates them? Thanks you both guys, Axel
  21. I love your fast-answer ability diesieben07 Well, I already thought about 2 different mods...but how can I work with them togheter in my eclipse workspace? Of course in order to work, my normal mod needs the edits made by the coremod (I'm editing some Minecraft packets code with ASM transformations) Axel
  22. Hello guys, I've discovered the difference between a normal mod and a coremod just yesterday. I've searched for hours trying to understand everything correctly (as I need to do some MC base classes edits). There isn't much information about coremods and if I have understood correctly, I need to remove my old @mod class and using instead my new class that extends FMLLoadingPlugin. How can I use proxies and all the network proprieties that I used in my old @mod class? Is there a way or I must create 2 different mods (one is the coremod)? Thank you as always for your support, Axel
  23. Hello guys, my problem is: the client, which has just connected to the remote server, must waiting in the "Download Terrain" screen until it gets a custom packet from the server. I need this because client must use the data sent by the server before loading items and entities. I think I can't use Thread.wait() or Thread.sleep() as the client can't stop totally as it needs to get and read the packet. Any idea will be much appreciated, Thanks, Axel
  24. Yes, you're right. I just hoped this was the very last answer as this is my very last problem. If diesieben07 will tell me the answer, a new topic won't be necessary Sorry for messing on the forum, Axel
  25. I have read the section you linked and all related pages, but I still don't get it: what is the NBT sensitive method where I can put an AttributeModifier? As if I have understood correctly, I should put something like: SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage.getAttributeUnlocalizedName(), new AttributeModifier(field_111210_e, "Weapon modifier", itemstack.stackNBTCompound.getDouble("DamageVsEntity)", 0); Did I misunderstand something? Thanks for the patience
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