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Everything posted by oldcheese

  1. I do use this funciton in Preinit. Preinit calls RegisterItemrenderer(); which is a method that contains the line of code you quoted. The way It seems to work is when I put my ItemRenderer in my Init instead of my preInit everything works just fine.
  2. How would I even change this? I've changed my code so that items are created first, then the proxies are called @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { RPVPItems.createItems(); Main.proxy.preInit(e); } so now the items exist, then it calls the preinit in the proxies. Which means that my items should exist before I attempt to render them. Is there some other way to fix my Item existing? Perhaps the way I make items is wrong? I've used the method above, but even when I Initialize my item right in the start by adding to the code before the preinit it won't really change the crash. Edit: I'm an idiot. is Rendering items an INIT task instead of preinit? Because it worked perfectly when I added it to the init code instead of PreInit. Jesus christ I spend like 5 hours staring at this code and it turns out it's a little tiny thing that could've easily been avoided if I re-read the documentation for a second Thanks for the help!
  3. The items aren't a problem. I'm able to create the item in game when I comment out my Renderer. The renderer is causing a nullpointer. Changing the order changed nothing for me. I'm getting the exact same error.
  4. My Lang file also isn't naming my items, so either I Didn't manage to initialize the item correctly or my Resources aren't set up properly. However, to make items, they just show up with squares instead of anything usefull. net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from RolePVP (RPVP) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.cheese.rpvp.render.ItemRenderRegister.reg(ItemRenderRegister.java:18) at com.cheese.rpvp.render.ItemRenderRegister.registerItemRenderer(ItemRenderRegister.java:14) at com.cheese.rpvp.ClientProxy.preInit(ClientProxy.java:13) at com.cheese.rpvp.Main.preInit(Main.java:23) There's my error. Now for the codes. @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { 23 Main.proxy.preInit(e); RPVPItems.createItems(); } That's the first offending line,, just me invoking the Proxy files. public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy{ @Override public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { ItemRenderRegister.registerItemRenderer(); super.preInit(e); } Part of my ItemRenderer class that I had hoped to use to render multiple items down the line. As you can see I invoke the method in my Preinitialization. package com.cheese.rpvp.render; import com.cheese.rpvp.Main; import com.cheese.rpvp.items.RPVPItems; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.item.Item; public final class ItemRenderRegister { public static String modid = Main.MODID; public static void registerItemRenderer(){ reg(RPVPItems.testitem); } public static void reg(Item item){ Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); } } There's the entire Itemrenderer class. I send an item through to reg. This is where the nullpointerexception mainly takes place it seems. package com.cheese.rpvp.items; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; public final class RPVPItems { public static BasicItem testitem = new BasicItem("testitem"); public static void createItems(){ GameRegistry.register(testitem); } } This is the code I use to create items. Here's where I list them. It's just for generic items so I use one class for most of them. package com.cheese.rpvp.items; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; public class BasicItem extends Item{ public BasicItem(String unlocalizedName){ super(); this.setUnlocalizedName(unlocalizedName); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.MATERIALS); this.setRegistryName(unlocalizedName); } } Finally here's the class I use for BasicItem. That should be all important classes. Now for hierarchy Link to imgur Here's a screenshot of how that's setup. as you can see I have a assets.rpvp.models.item with the Json listed here: { "parent": "item/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "rpvp:items/testitem" }, "display": { "thirdperson": { "rotation": [-90,0,0], "translation": [0,1,-3], "scale": [0.55,0.55,0.55] }, "firstperson": { "rotation": [0,-135,25], "translation": [0,4,2], "scale": [1.7,1.7,1.7] } } } I've tried changing testitem to different things. I've tried changing my fully Caps RPVP to rpvp for the modid. nothing much helped. I keep getting a nullpointer even though I clearly state most locations.
  5. Darn. Thanks everyone for the quick replies. I'll use IEEP for now. Thanks all!
  6. Hi. I'm experimenting with making mods, and one of the things I'd really love to do is add a weapon that basically 'saves' to a player. So you pick up a blank weapon, and if player variable X = 2 then it's a sword with 5 damage that sets people on fire. if X = 1 then It's a sword that blinds. So far so good. I made a simple orb that is right clicked to create the weapon depending on X, then changes back if dropped or logged out. I'm using a simple item that sets a variable to 2 when clicked to test all this, what I CAN'T figure out is how to save a variable to the player! My general guess would be to make a eventhandler for login/logout that would load/save an NBT. but I have no idea how to save a NBT tag to the player.dat file, is there a specific way to save it? sorry if I say dumb stuff my english isn't very good and I can't say what I'm doing very well. but I hope you guys can help on how to save Variable to the player.
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