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  1. that seemed to fix it. thanks
  2. i copied the mods src folder so it has the same filestructure as the original. so the assets are in a resources folder and the code is in the java folder
  3. I recently got a hold of some the src files of some mods (some from from one of my old harddrive and some from a friend of mine) on my new pc and i can't seem to figure out how to open it in a dev enviroment so i can run and modify the code. I've tried making a new dev environment and dropping the src and build.gradle into it and it lets me see the code but if i launch mc it doesn't run the mod
  4. nevermind I decided to make a getter method in the Reference class that returns the item rather than referring to a constant that is equal to the item.this fixed the problem
  5. my item class doesn't have any damage methods. it doesn't have a max damage either @Override public Item getTabIconItem() { return Reference.ITEM_ICON; //return ModItems.ItemRandomThing; } public static final GenericItem ITEM_ICON = ModItems.ItemRandomThing; I haven't done anything with durability because I don't intend this item to have durability.
  6. for some reason I'm getting a strange crash whenever I make the get tab icon item method for my item tab use a reffrence class instead of specifiying it in the creative tab class http://pastebin.com/MfVp7bSf
  7. I fixed it. the problem was the @SidedProxy(clientSide = Reference.CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS , serverSide = Reference.SERVER_PROXY_CLASS) public static Iproxy proxy; and Reference.CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS was wrong.
  8. I found it package com.FirstArchon.redstoneium.reference; public class Reference { public static final String MOD_ID = "redstoneium"; public static final String MOD_NAME = "Redstoneium"; public static final String VERSSION = "1.7.10-1.0"; public static final String CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS = "com.FirstArchon.RedStoneium.proxy.ClientProxy"; public static final String SERVER_PROXY_CLASS = "com.FirstArchon.RedStoneium.proxy.ServerProxy"; public static final String GUI_FACTORY_CLASS = "com.FirstArchon.RedStoneium.client.gui.GuiFactory"; } the RedStoneium references in the reference class didn't update!
  9. I keep getting crashes Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/FirstArchon/RedStoneium/proxy/ClientProxy (wrong name: com/FirstArchon/redstoneium/proxy/ClientProxy) as far as I can tell it just really wants me to have the name have capital letters
  10. I used a variable everywhere I entered the mod id so changing the place where the variable value is set changes it everywhere. do I need to change the name of the main class too?
  11. my mod id is RedStoneium and if I change it nothing works anymore.
  12. in my dev environment my textures work fine. but I tried to add it to an instance of a modpack(RR3) to do some testing for compatibility. while in rr3 one of my textures isn't loaded and the log doesn't say anything about a missing texture. what could cause a texture to work fine on its own but break with other mods and not leave a missing texture line in the log?
  13. I've never used forge gradle before so I followed a guide. I went into the folder that contains my src folder and ran the comand gradlew.bat build this placed a directory in the build folder but as far as I could tell no .jar file containing my mod. so I compressed the build folder and tried to launch with that. and it crashed for java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: I googled it but i couldn't find any guides that explained what I did wrong or how I should have done it. *ps I didn't know where this should be so if this isn't the place for it I'm sorry*
  14. thankyou starwarsmace for that link (also I figured out a field is and I still don't understand it. a field is a variable in a class but don't all variables (all code even) have to be in a class?) { int x; int y; int z; ForgeDirection direct = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(p_77648_7_); x = direct.offsetX; y = direct.offsetY; z = direct.offsetZ; //par2World.setBlock(p_77648_4_, p_77648_5_, p_77648_6_, Blocks.torch); par2World.setBlock(x, y, z, Blocks.torch); } this seems to be working but I think I'm calling the cords in the wrong order because when I right click it takes a torch out of my inventory but no torch appears.
  15. I would say that I do know basic java (albeit with a few holes) could you please link to a resource that will help me understand or show me some example code that I can examine? I know what an object is but I have never heard the world "field" before. If I were to set it to a variable I would assume it would be something like this. { ForgeDirection x = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(p_77648_7_); par2World.setBlock(p_77648_4_, p_77648_5_, p_77648_6_, Blocks.torch); } (this much I admit should have been obvious when you said it was an object, but I never though of needing a constructor) but I'm still not sure how to get at these "fields"...?
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