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Everything posted by Tagg393

  1. ... XD...... No harm done, I was actually kinda expecting something along those lines to begin with. I also figured out what you meant.... Which was what deadrecon98 was saying, and what I was looking up. Thanks anyways
  2. I am planning on adding a lot of stuff to it to satisfy my need to learn (somewhat), but if you want to help me with the base entity that would be sweet Thanks for the offer
  3. Thanks, looking into it now You can make an invisible entity. Or.. You can move the player manually with the players velocity. I would suggest doing the invisible entity unless somebody else has a better idea. Please explain further lol.
  4. I am doing something that looks really foolish, but that if managed to pull off will look awesome. Does that help?
  5. I was hoping to replicate a Minecart without the cart, have the player still sitting but at a slightly different angle and sideways. So basically you would ride a line of the same block, with built-in support for going 2-3 different ways based on arrow key presses. I am completely fine with writing most of the code from scratch, (though it has been a while since I programmed) but some pointers would really help out I have been looking for tutorials for this one for a long while Lol. Thanks In Advance. ~Tagg
  6. So basically I would like to replicate the whole "skating on ice" thing on any surface... Kind of like when you are flying, too. Can anyone point me to anything useful? Thanks in advance
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