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Everything posted by dalekcaan1963

  1. That fixed it, thank you! I knew it would be some tiny thing messing the whole thing up
  2. I can't post a picture, none of the forum buttons work for me (they've only worked on a single occasion today). It's assets - tfm (modID) - lang - en_us.lang (lang file).
  3. On mine, I think the modid and assets are the other way around, that's how I was shown how to do it when I first started (src/main/resources/assets/tfm/lang/lang file), is that a problem? It works fine when run in Eclipse. I've checked, and the mod ID is the same everywhere, all lower case.
  4. Making them match was what I was trying to do when I first did it (they all match for the rest of my items), but since it didn't work, I tried playing around with the code more and more thinking I must have been mistaken with it. So I guess this at least lets me know as far as coding goes that I had it right on step one I'm using Eclipse, it works perfectly fine when loaded up through Eclipse. Once I did the build and put the file in the mod folder, the names stop working (though everything else works just fine). Perhaps the lang file isn't being included in the build for some reason?
  5. You said you were highlighting the problems, so I changed them, you didn't say that one needed to stay the same in order to make them match. I've tried matching them both ways and that hasn't worked either. itemLeafDetonator = new ItemLeafDetonator().setUnlocalizedName("ItemLeafDetonator").setTextureName("tfm:itemLeafDetonator").setCreativeTab(tabTerraformingMod); item.ItemLeafDetonator.name=Leaf Detonator
  6. Still having the same problem. itemLeafDetonator = new ItemLeafDetonator().setUnlocalizedName("ItemLeafDetonator").setTextureName("tfm:itemLeafDetonator").setCreativeTab(tabTerraformingMod); item.itemLeafDetonator.name=Leaf Detonator
  7. I misread, I thought that was the correction, which is why I got confused since it was mostly the same (I'd changed a few things since posting to check), my bad, sorry That said, that was the very first thing I tried, and it still doesn't work. itemLeafDetonator = new ItemLeafDetonator().setUnlocalizedName("itemLeafDetonator").setTextureName("tfm:itemLeafDetonator").setCreativeTab(tabTerraformingMod); item.ItemLeafDetonator.name=Leaf Detonator
  8. leaf detonator code: lang file: Item.itemLeafDetonator.name=Leaf Detonator
  9. It works perfectly fine when I test it in Eclipse, but as soon as I build it and put it into Minecraft it no longer displays names properly (though the items themselves work fine and the textures show up and everything). It's probably some stupid thing I've overlooked, but I've run out of ideas with fixing this. For example, the leaf detonator item shows up as item.ItemLeafDetonator.name. (sorry for not putting the code in a spoiler tag, the buttons weren't working for me for some reason). Leaf detonator code: public static Item itemLeafDetonator; itemLeafDetonator = new ItemLeafDetonator().setUnlocalizedName("ItemLeafDetonator").setTextureName("tfm:itemLeafDetonator").setCreativeTab(tabTerraformingMod); GameRegistry.registerItem(itemLeafDetonator, itemLeafDetonator.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5)); lang file content: item.itemLeafDetonator.name=Leaf Detonator
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