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  1. Does forge server support allowing vanilla clients to join? i cant figure out how.
  2. Thanks
  3. I have been trying to find techne for a while now i just cant seem to find it anymore is it gone?
  4. I am overhauling the fluid system. I am making a block that layers like snow and acts as a custom fluid. This mod will override fluids from other mods. I want to be able to have a block model level 0-15 and use the texture of the mod's fluid is this possible? In other words can i specify a block model from a model file but supply a texture from the Block Class itself?
  5. When forge renders a TESR the TESR registered is registered by the TileEntity it is rendering in this case i think that when minecraft renders your TileEntity because it extends TileEntityChest it uses the TESR registered with TileEntityChest So long story short what diesieben07 said
  6. you problem is that when in a development environment forge uses "fake" minecraft accounts that change every game there are here is how to fix it is kinda risky if you are really password overprotective but in eclipse go to Run>Run Configurations>Java Application>Client>Arguments>Program Arguments then enter --username=(your minecraft login email or username) --password=(your minecraft password) No Parentheses Obviously When you start the game next it will automatically log you in with your minecraft account
  7. nvm i understand your problem now are you using eclipse?
  8. players UUID is not reset when you exit the client the UUID is saved to the world EntityPlayer#readFromNBT() if (compound.hasUniqueId("UUID")) { this.entityUniqueID = compound.getUniqueId("UUID"); this.cachedUniqueIdString = this.entityUniqueID.toString(); }
  9. That is the UUID for player accounts that would screw with things why would you want to set it? What is your goal?
  10. Ok ive never heard of capabilities that a forge thing or a Java thing?
  11. Why? Skill data will be very small.
  12. We cant answer everything for you but i might have a few tips. First you need to define your skill system as a series of classes for instance maybe a class SkillManager to handle skills for players in the world Second you need to define what your skills are probably a series of classes containing the skills name etc. Third you need to be able to save and read to each Players NBT Data their skill information Fourth each individual skill will have different ways of working most skills will probably make use of forge events so learn how to use forge events and for individual help you can always just post topics here.
  13. Again i see no problems with this so im confused.... i would try to completely recreate the block when i encounter freaky problems i try to redo things. My most freaky problem ever was fixed by restarting my IDE
  14. this should fix things the LivingEntityUseItemEvent.Start only works for items that can be used i.e. food i wrote the fixed code for you below. EDIT: just realized you wanted sneak-right-click i fixed the code below //used when rightclicking while looking at a block @SubscribeEvent() public void rightClickBlock(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock e){ //this checks if the entities world is the server we only run this on the server so it doesn't mess with things if(!e.getEntity().getEntityWorld().isRemote){ EntityPlayer player = e.getEntityPlayer();//the player //check if player is sneaking if(player.isSneaking()){ ItemStack heldItem = player.getHeldItemMainhand();//the items in the players hand //we compare the Item contained in the ItemStack not the ItemStack itself //we use .equals here not == only use == for numbers or booleans if(heldItem.getItem().equals(Items.GLASS_BOTTLE)){ onGlassBottleRightClick(player, heldItem);//this is the method where you put the code when the player right-clicks with an item } } } } //used when rightclicking with an item while not looking at a block @SubscribeEvent() public void rightClickItem(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickItem e){ //this checks if the entities world is the server we only run this on the server so it doesn't mess with things if(!e.getEntity().getEntityWorld().isRemote){ EntityPlayer player = e.getEntityPlayer();//the player //check if player is sneaking if(player.isSneaking()){ ItemStack heldItem = player.getHeldItemMainhand();//the items in the players hand //we compare the Item contained in the ItemStack not the ItemStack itself //we use .equals here not == only use == for numbers or booleans if(heldItem.getItem().equals(Items.GLASS_BOTTLE)){ onGlassBottleRightClick(player, heldItem);//this is the method where you put the code when the player right-clicks with an item } } } } private void onGlassBottleRightClick(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack bottlestack){ player.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.GENERIC, 3F); //player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(ItemRegistry.bloodVial)); }
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