Ok, all i want to do is play minecraft 1.3.2 /wolfcraft texture / toomanyitems 1.3.2 / claysoldiers 1.3.2. Even if i never use any other mods ever. claysoldiers requires forge apparently.. so im just folowing a chain of peopel suggestions so now where im at in understanding is meta-inf file = bad / install stuff one at a time / mcpatcher = bad / magiclauncher = sucks / so i got multiMC. if u want to ( no rush ) make a vid showing what i should do 4 windows 7. ill follow the vid and post the error reports and maybe we can go from there? But really, take your time. And if this is the rong place for the topic im sorry. I just joined yesterday. Feel free to move it.
Edit: or not enough items instead of too many, if needed.