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  1. Yeah found out what was bothering. The Mouse/Keyboard control program by Razer for their software Razer Synaps 2.0 is constantly setting the variable. Closing the program solved the problem instantly. I'm removing it from start on bootup right now. That is some really strange programming going on there. After searching Google for two hours you finally end up with answers. https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-74465
  2. Hey Lexmanos, I ran the set command, and searched for the variable, however it is not there: http://pastebin.com/nfGtnD1y Found someone with the same error as well http://forums.technicpack.net/tracker/issue-4196-minecraft-not-using-enough-ram/ Thanks for replying I don't really know where to start with this one. -----SOLUTION----- Someone at the Razer forums found the awnser, Razer Synaps 2.0 the program used by Razer for your mouse/keyboard is constantly setting this variable however it won't show up in the files, Close the program and it worked for me (un-installing in or stop it from running will at start-up will solve the issue)
  3. I've been trying to fix the error I'm getting lately, Starting Minecraft with forge sometimes works but othertimes it gives this error. Restarting my computer 5 to 6 times is the only solution. Minecraft is saying that the _JAVA_OPTIONS enviroment variable is limiting me to set the amount of RAM higher than 512mb, however Minecraft won't run with only half a gigabyte. The problem is however the variable is not set, using the environment variable window, it is not there. Neither is it findable in the registry: http://s2.postimg.org/sg9n2li8p/image.png (the image is quite large so I posted it on upload) Log: http://pastebin.com/VMYSwbBS Is there anyone who has managed to fix this issue? Thanks for answering! --------EDIT-------- I'm now trying to launch the game in Java 8 (although I don't know if it is supported though) Still experiencing the error. -----SOLUTION----- Someone at the Razer forums found the awnser, Razer Synaps 2.0 the program used by Razer for your mouse/keyboard is constantly setting this variable (a really poor programming practise) however it won't show up in the files, Close the program and it worked for me (un-installing in or stop it from running will at start-up will solve the issue)
  4. I'm currently running quite a few mods in Minecraft 1.7.10 and I am updating the mods once in a while, I was running Forestry untill I saw that there were quite a few updates, Forestry is now Forestry and When I was updating I found out that all the Ids have changed. Forestry does not as far as I could find any way to change them manually using a config with IDs, If I now start my map all blocks will be lost (Forges makes a backup of course) Is there a good way to update Forestry without this happening. Help will be very mush appreciated ^^
  5. Today I decided to search the Minecraft code where the location is saved where the server jar is placed but I can't seem to find out, can somebody help me. Thanks in Advance!
  6. Today I decided to search the Minecraft code where the location is saved where the server jar is placed but I can't seem to find out, can somebody help me. Thanks in Advance!
  7. Over the last month I've been making a new machine with works fine except one thing. My block has a TileEntitySpecialRenderer which I use to display the item with is made after the block has crafting and the item witch has gone into it, but on servers It does not update the item for all players. This problem also also occurring when i use BuildCraft-pipes. is there a way to update my block(maybe from the TileEntity?). Thanks in advance!
  8. Over the last month I've been making a new machine with works fine except one thing. My block has a TileEntitySpecial renderer which I use to display the item with is made after the block has crafting and the item witch has gone into it, but on servers It does not update the item for all players. This problem also also occurring when i use BuildCraft-pipes. is there a way to update my block(maybe from the TileEntity?). Thanks in advance!
  9. Thanks, but still i need to change base-classes like ars-magica. So i need to place my mod in the coremods folder, does anybody know how this is supposed to work?
  10. Put your Minecraft GUI-scale to small and try again, There is an error message but it is situated below the done button. My error had to do with TooManyItems
  11. I have the same problem too, when I start a server with the newest forge( and login with the client with the same version of forge it gives my this screen too.
  12. Recently I had an idea for my mod which requires a new kind of experience saved per player in the save. After looking into this I found out that you need to change base-classes in EntityPlayer(MP) for this to work out, or is there any other way to do this. Another required thing is that this should be shown on the main screen like experience, could someone please help me with this. Sincerely, Gianni P.S. Happy holidays!
  13. I think you used the Buildcraft API, can you also do without, Buildcraft is not yet stable and I want to be able do do it without.
  14. Can anybody please help me?
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