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    The one and only Jereman

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Yes, removing my InitGui() override fixed it as far as I can tell, will do some more testing when I'm home. I must have had that left over from some testing with sliders earlier. Thank you very much.
  2. So, I simply can not seem to get my container slots to link up with the GUI I'm working on. It seems that when using addSlotToContainer() (correct as far as I can tell), it is just putting the slot at absolute coordinate values on the screen, which of course does not work with different screen sizes. I am aware that the slots should be relative to the GUI image itself so that it scales correctly, but every tutorial I have found gives me the same code, which of course isn't working for me. I'm assuming that I am either just missing something, or am going about this wrong. I am only adding the player's hotbar slots until I can get this working, but even with them in the wrong position, they aren't working anyway (e.g. picking up items out of the slots). For Reference: TileEntityArmorWorkbench GuiArmorWorkbench ContainerArmorWorkbench ArmorWorkbench (block class) Gui Handler Thanks in advance!
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