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Everything posted by chedim

  1. Release 1.3.2: Changelog: — unobfuscated dev-jar was added into project's maven repository ('com.onkiup.minedroid:minedroid:1.3.2:dev') — integrated betterfonts — EditText now supports mouse events, including scrolling — Added notifications: — Added LayeredOverlay — a GuiWindow that allows to show several overlays at the same moment — New View components: —— CheckBox (finally) —— ProgressView —— Focus —— EntityView: — New Drawables: —— ShapeDrawable — allows to draw custom shapes —— LayerDrawable — allows to stack drawables on top of each other —— GradientDrawable — allows to render gradients — Added class: ExProps — allows to easy store and retrieve IExtendedProperties — Added package: com.onkiup.minedroid.net — simplifies network interactions with the server (in beta) — Added class EntityLabelManager — allows to render any of MineDroid Drawables on top of an Entity (i.g. on top of a player or a villager): — Added some standard dialogue that work through notifications: —— Confirm —— Alert — Added class StringHolder — simplifies creation of ListViews form a list of Strings — Added project's logo — Fixed bugs in components: ViewGroup, EditText, ListView, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout Documentation will be updated during a week.
  2. Not necessary. I just had the same problem on a client with a dedicated server when I tried to handle a network packet and show a GuiScreen. The problem was that my code was running on Netty thread, not on the main thread. Since I already have some scheduling system that is based on ticks, I just pushed to that system a no-delay task that opened the window. Since the system runs all tasks on the main thread, it solved the problem.
  3. Released version 1.2 with styling support. Documentation about using styles: http://chedim.github.io/minedriod/#docs/themes
  4. Published a plugin for IntelliJ. Preparing to release version 1.0.2 of the library with advanced styling support.
  5. Hi! Month ago I've started to develop a very big mod for my future minecraft-based custom server and had faced one problem: Minecraft GUI library is really painful to use, especially if you had experience in developing GUI's under other platforms. And, since my mod should use a lot of custom GUI windows, I decided to port a very well-designed Android GUI library for it. As a result, I've made MineDroid — GUI library that manages resources of my mod and allows me to edit and store windows layouts in XML files. Main concepts of it were taken from Android so people who used to develop android applications, probably will find this library very useful and easy to understand. Anyway I've tried to make some documentation for it and even wrote a quick-start guide Library can be used as a separate library mod, providing your mods ability to make fancy interfaces Right now it's on beta-testing: if you'll find any bugs, feel free to report about them on the github bugtracker. I'll do my best to fix bugs as soon as possible. You can check it here: http://chedim.github.io/minedriod/ Please, comment if you find this library useful for you. It will affect how much time I will spend to support the library (and will I develop an IntelliJ Idea plugin to support autocompletion in the XML layout files ) Thank you! Some example and test GUIs: Update: plugin for IntelliJ Idea: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7881?pr=
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