Ah, I hadn't thought of it that way - sorry, I'm still very new to this.
Okay, so I stared at the code for a while and tried to figure out how to implement this with my own code, but I failed; I'm fully aware that the reason for this is that I've been impatient and haven't become familiar enough with Java before leaping into this, so obviously everyone reserves the right to refuse to help me further, but if there's anyone who is willing to be more patient with me, I'd really appreciate it:
The context for this chest is that it's a chest inside a vault-like structure, which, when closed for long enough, replenishes its stores. I have a (currently blank) RefreshContents() method which accepts a String that tells it what kind of loot to refresh the chest with. (This is a Thaumcraft addon, and there is a vault for each aspect - I want chests inside Ignis vaults to only replenish with Ignis loot, etc.) My initial thinking is, since its the vault door itself which contains the isVaultShut variable, it would be the vault door itself which would replenish loot in the chests. This would also save me from having to make a separate type of chest for each aspect. Could someone give me an example of how I could implement this?