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Posts posted by Murphboy7

  1. I've just finished setting up the events of ServerChatEvent and ClientReceivedChatEvents successfully (had the events print to console to make sure they work), however now I just don't know where to import a list of all players and their current locations to run a distance check between them and the sender.

  2. I'm starting a very simple mod, however I'm new to the Forge API and have a (hopefully) simple question I need answered, and if suggestions on how to complete it were provided that would be greatly appreciated.


    The mod I'm intending to make puts a proximity limit on text chat so that you must be within a certain range to hear someone.  It seems to me the simplest solution would be to create a command that does exactly that; checks the distances and then sends the message appropriately.  However I intend for this to be the normal iteration of a chat input (for clarification: in vanilla if you just hit enter and type 'hello' it will broadcast 'hello' to everyone in the server.  I would like it so that 'hello' would only broadcast to the players nearby).  Before I set up the Forge API, I had been digging through the minecraft source code via MCP to figure out exactly how chat was handled, and it may be my lack of knowledge, but it seemed to me that the only way for this chat proximity mod to work is to change some source code.  Am I incorrect and there is a much simpler solution to my mod?  Is anyone willing to give me a pointer on how to tackle this?


    If my post was vague or you need anymore information, I'll keep checking back and provide more information if it's needed.

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