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Everything posted by superzanti

  1. Ahh.. Thank you so much. I had a suspicion it might be the material but some other modders assured me otherwise. Is there a way to change the material of a block after the block has been created? i.e. the material of a block changes when I right click it?
  2. Right, That all makes sense, but the damage per tic is clearly: as per the links you sent me. Which only depends on the player (who i'm not changing in any way), the block hardness, and canHarvestBlock which is weather the tool of the player matches the required tool of the block. On the minecraft wiki at http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Breaking#Blocks_by_hardness it shows that both cobblestone and wood planks have a hardness of 2. They both require a wooden tool to mine, and yet they have different speeds when mined by hand... why?
  3. How is the mining speed of blocks determined? I thought it was just based off the hardness, the harvestlevel, and the harvesttool. But I guess not because I noticed today: Cobblestone-> hardness: 2, harvest level: 0, harvest tool: pickaxe, harvest time: 10 seconds by hand Wood Planks-> hardness: 2, harvest level: 0, harvest tool: axe, harvest time: 3 seconds by hand So there is obviously something more than just those 3 values...
  4. so how do I tell the block to use a different texture? especially when there are so many mods out there that have dynamic textures.
  5. My goal is really just to be able to change the hue of any texture for any block.
  6. I'd like to work on a mod that contains a block and an item. When the block is placed it just sit's there and does nothing interesting. However when you right click the block with the item then right click another block (one not apart of the mod) my block would take on ALL the attributes of this block, from how it's rendered to how it's mined, but still be my block so I could change the texture of it if need be. Is this feasible?
  7. I'm currently using the first method. But I'm not sure how minecraft calculates breakspeed. I know it looks at several factors: [*]The hardness [*]The level of the tool you're holding [*]The type of the tool you're holding [*]If you're underwater [*]Possibly more How does minecraft calculate this so I can get the exact breakspeed?
  8. Unfortunately I have a lot of mods that currently only support 1.7.10. I would rather not try to go through and update them all. Basically what I want to do is set the block I place to have all the same properties of the block directly below it. My current problem is that I can't get the mining speed right.
  9. Damn. See. I'm having a weird problem that when I set hardness to 50 it takes half (or less) the time to mine than a block of obsidian.
  10. I'm trying to dynamically set the hardness and harvest levels. Hardness was easy because I can use the world and xyz coordinates to get my tileentity. However I can't do this with a getHarvestLevel function. What are some alternatives? What can I do? Thanks, SuperZanti
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