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Everything posted by M4thG33k

  1. I apologize if this is off topic, but I'm trying to figure out how to make my custom chests compatible with Inventory Tweaks (allowing them to have the sorting buttons displayed in the GUI). If there is anyone who is able to point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
  2. This actually worked (and was the simplest solution anyone has given me). Thank you so much! Will there be anything special I'll need to do at compile time in order for my mod to work correctly?
  3. coolAlias: But putting the jar in the /mods/ folder doesn't allow me access to the classes/methods in the mod, which I want to be able to use in my add-on. Dylem: That tutorial uses only a deobf jar file, which I don't have access to. (Using IntelliJ and in 1.8.9, in case that wasn't clear...sorry.)
  4. I'm trying to use another mod as a library in order access items/blocks/etc. I have created a /mylibs/ directory at the same level as my build.gradle file (https://goo.gl/UhZ3Wq) and have placed the jar (SilentsGems-1.8.9-1.3.10b-106.jar) into this directory. Upon running "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace", I get the following error: "* What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':deobfCompileDeobfDepTask0'. > java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry compressed size (expected 7547 but got 7802 bytes)" I'm not sure where to go from here. Any insight would be extremely helpful. (What did I screw up or is there a better/different method for doing this? The repository for the mod I'm attempting to add onto is open-source on github, if that makes any difference - there just isn't a deobf jar available to me.) Thanks in advance!
  5. All right, thanks to both of you! This makes perfect sense (even before seeing Ernio's code haha). I will attempt to put this into practice soon. Thanks for the quick responses!
  6. Ok, so is there a "proper way" to have the packet handler get a Minecraft world instance, then? I can't pass it in to the packet at all, but the packet should know what world it ends up in, right?
  7. Would it be possible for you to tell me which client-only classes I'm using? I know I'm using EntityFX in my code, but I thought that I was providing enough checks to make sure that all of that code is only being run on the client side. I suppose I'm still not fully understanding how packets are supposed to work (despite reading quite a few tutorials)...
  8. Greetings! I've received this crash report from someone who's been using my mod and I can't seem to pinpoint the actual source of the crash: http://pastebin.com/YQ91FgMM From my understanding, the crash is happening when Forge is attempting to register my packet classes. The interesting thing is, this crash just recently appeared. I was fixing other bugs that were found, and then this crash crept in, which I find extremely odd. If there are any ideas as to what the problem could be (besides "you're attempting to use client-only classes on the server" since I can see that much), I would appreciate it. Here's the line that I can trace back to from the crash report that is apparently causing the issue: https://goo.gl/fDL8OZ Thanks in advance!
  9. Wow...I wish there was more documentation on the EntityFX class. Changing the FXLayer from 0 to 3 (and altering the code to adapt to that) fixed the issue. Thanks!
  10. Greetings! I have a custom particle I've been using in my mod for fluid transfer particles in my tanks, but it appears as though every time the particles are spawned, it changes other particle effects around them. For example, I've placed a torch next to my tank and when my custom particles are rendered, the "smoke" particles of the torch are overridden with the textures for the EnderIO conduits. I'm...not even sure how this is happening. I've gone into the code and turned off my particles to make sure that it was, indeed, the rendering of the particles that caused this glitch and can confirm it. Are there any ideas as to what could be happening? Here's a link to the particle class on github: https://goo.gl/xmxEUV. And here's a link to (one of) the class(es) which starts the rendering of my particle: https://goo.gl/51ItJ0. As always, thanks in advance!
  11. Hello! I have a block that I've been working on that is not a normal block (it has a TE with a TESR and therefore does not render as a normal block). I'm trying to figure out if there is a way for my block to still respond to weak redstone signals. I have attempted to override both the shouldCheckWeakPower(...) and getWeakChanges(...) methods (having them both return true), but to no avail. This led me to wonder if what I want is even possible. Thank you for your time!
  12. Well, I re-opened my .png and it appears the opacity/alpha didn't save correctly... I've found the cause for that and now everything works perfectly! This was embarrassing...
  13. Correct. The fluid is functioning as desired, the only issue is with the graphics. I have my .png with an opacity/alpha of 100/255 (using paint.net to do graphics), but the fluid is rendering as a solid block.
  14. Pardon my ignorance here, since graphics are definitely not my strong suit, but I don't see how extending the class will help with the opacity. I haven't seen a method in the FluidBlockClassic class that I could override that would cause the desired effect and I'm pretty sure I can't write my own method to do it either.
  15. This is probably a dumb question, but how do I make a custom fluid translucent? I have a custom fluid that is functional and is taking the texture I give it, but is not taking into account the opacity of the .png file. What simple thing have I overlooked this time? Thanks in advance!
  16. I have it in my Eclipse/mods folder...do I need in libs/ instead? EDIT: Tried that, didn't fix anything, even after reloading the project. New Edit: Found the issue. I needed to move both CCC and CCL into the /libs/ folder.
  17. I guess things aren't tip-top shape, yet. Now when I attempt to run the program it crashes before even launching the MC window. Pastebin to the log: http://pastebin.com/AArhgP0i Any ideas why this could be?
  18. That sneaky sidebar That cleared everything up! Thanks for dealing with my easy problems.
  19. I thought so? Maybe I don't understand what you mean when you say "refresh"...
  20. I've also tried placing NEI's jar file in the libs directory (with extrautilites and waila from my previous screenshot), but I still could not access the API.
  21. So, I've tried dropping the NEI API folder into the src/api/java directory, but none of the files are appearing in IntelliJ. (Picture linked below.) Any ideas as to what may be causing this?
  22. Greetings! I know I've asked a similar question to this before (but the solution for that one didn't translate here). I'm lacking the basic knowledge as to where you put another mod's API in order to access it and use it in your own code. For example, using NEI, things I've tried: putting the codechicken/nei/api folder in my src/main/java folder putting the entire NEI.jar inside my libs folder In both cases, I ran gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies, but to no avail. In the first case, the codechicken/nei/api folder in IntelliJ had no code, even though opening the location with the explorer showed all the code was there. There are other API's I would like to use (for redstone flux, etc), but I would like to get the basic concept down before attempting more than one API. As usual, thanks in advance!
  23. TESR = TileEntitySpecialRenderer :-)
  24. Snazzy! That's exactly what I needed. Thanks!
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