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  1. That's disappointing, but I understand. I really like Optifine (even though the downloads use Adf.ly, which just loves to push malicious ads), and luckily, I found that Liteloader works well with it and the 5zig PVP mod, so I'll be using that for my PVP stuff. Thanks for the info.
  2. Alright. Well, thanks for the help. Are there attempts/plans for better Optifine-Forge compatibility, or is it something that would be too much work to implement?
  3. Hmm. So it is Optifine. I don't know why I didn't try it without beforehand. It would be really nice to have the zoom feature though, along with Forge. Is there anything I can do there? (I don't know which logs to provide or if I even need to now.)
  4. Thanks. I'll get on that right now. In case the issue is the combination of Optifine and Forge, is there any alternative for Optifine? I mostly use the zoom feature, but connected textures are a plus.
  5. I've been playing Minecraft with Forge installed, but only using Optifine under it. I also mostly play in 1.10, so I never really noticed this problem before. I use MultiMC, which may have some relevance; I'm not sure. I switched down to 1.8 so I could play on a 1.8 server. This instance had no Forge installed, but did have the extracted Optifine jar, installed as a "Jar mod." When I started playing 1.8, I noticed I was getting maybe a ~250-300 FPS boost over 1.9/10. Naturally, I thought this was an issue with 1.9/10, so I did a ton of research on that, ultimately coming up with nothing. Then I installed Forge on my 1.8 instance. As soon as I did that, 1.8 had the same FPS drop as 1.9/10. I uninstalled Forge and it went back to normal. I uninstalled Forge on 1.10 and it went up to almost what I get in 1.8. The FPS drop isn't the only issue it seems I'm getting because of Forge, either. Without Forge, moving my mouse back and forth results in very snappy turns: my FOV moves very quickly and I stop right away; it's fluid, but precise. With Forge installed, it seems I'm getting some sort of microstuttering, as 128FPS with Forge is much choppier than 128FPS without. This microstutter might be what's affecting turning, as with Forge installed, turns are somewhat choppy, aren't precise at all, and seem to have quite a few dropped frames. Since this happens on 1.8.9, 1.9.4 and 1.10.2, I'm thinking it's something to do with Forge, since 1.8.9 had an older version of Optifine without the dynamic lighting feature that was introduced for 1.10.2 and then 1.8.9. Of course, I can just use Optifine without Forge, but I do want to install some other mods, like an armor status HUD. which only work with Forge. PVP is terrible with Forge installed, and I don't really know how to fix this. Sorry for the coherency of this post. I'm not quite sure how to discuss this. I also don't know what I need to provide to potentially resolve this issue. I did read through the posting rules, but I'm not so sure how to apply it, since this isn't a Forge crash, but Forge causing major lag spikes (the Optifine lagometer is about twice as "high" with Forge than without). Please tell me what you need; I'll edit it in as soon as I can.
  6. It would be nice to have a Forge version for 1.8.3 or 1.8.7 (if it's not too much trouble of course). 1.8 works very badly on my computer(s) for some reason.
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