Is there any kind souls out there that could show me how to extend the Stair Block class.
I have tried to follow minecraft modding stairs tutorial [1.8] Stairs by localtoast9001 but it will not work for me.
I have even looked at his complete source to try and work it out but due to the complexity of his mod I getting lost.
It's pretty awesome of him to put is hole mod source up there as its help me in other parts of my mod.
I don't need to now how to do the Json file and block state just how to get the class to extend and add the Material, HarvestToolEnum etc.
This is where i am up to
Code public class CustomStairs extends BlockStairs
I am not sure about "private static Block block;" but eclipse wanted to add it as " super(block.getStateFromMeta(0));" Block was alway in error.
Code 'public class CommonProxy'
Crash Report
I Would appreciate any help.