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  1. Thanks so much for your reply it got me on the right track. I cant believe I could not find the BlockTorch it was so simple.. to tired I am guessing. For those how are trying to do the same thing here the code in my class that i made. I didn't use the smoke in the end so just deleted those lines. The full class.
  2. Hi there. I have made a new torch class in my mod and would like to add a fire animation to a torch. I don't know where to start. I have tried to find the torch class but can't.. Any tips? Zen
  3. Hi all I cannot get LAN to work with forge-1.8- keeps coming up with "Failed to login: Invalid session (Try restarting your game)" I have checked that all the mods are the same and that have the same version of forge. I have even turned of fire walls to see if that would work? I can get Forge 1.7.2 to work just fine. any ideas?
  4. Have worked it out. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,31461.msg165803.html#msg165803 Zen
  5. I worked it out in the end, so the code for my class is, I have been following Kevin M on YouTube awesome tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCLUr3vEPjmjn818HMyJEwg Zen
  6. Is there any kind souls out there that could show me how to extend the Stair Block class. I have tried to follow minecraft modding stairs tutorial [1.8] Stairs by localtoast9001 but it will not work for me. I have even looked at his complete source to try and work it out but due to the complexity of his mod I getting lost. It's pretty awesome of him to put is hole mod source up there as its help me in other parts of my mod. I don't need to now how to do the Json file and block state just how to get the class to extend and add the Material, HarvestToolEnum etc. Edit This is where i am up to Code public class CustomStairs extends BlockStairs I am not sure about "private static Block block;" but eclipse wanted to add it as " super(block.getStateFromMeta(0));" Block was alway in error. Code 'public class CommonProxy' Crash Report I Would appreciate any help. Thanks Zen
  7. Here a Youtub tutorial I see that might help you out. This guy runs through Ore gen using Forge 1.8 Good luck Zen
  8. My BAD, I forgot to mention I am working in 1.8. But your post dose help me as I now realise that some of the code I have been looking from other post must be from other versions of MC. Thanks Zen
  9. Interesting I get something different when I look up that class. Thanks Give me more to look at. Zen
  10. Thanks for pointing that out. I look into it more. I just don't know enough yet as to what to out in. Zen
  11. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
  12. Hi All Trying to learn how to make a MC Mod so have been following a few youtub clips. Have been following Kevin M Modding Minecraft 1.8 with Forge - Pt 3 - New Blocks and Items. I am trying to use his method to make new stairs block but getting stuck. Code In the Pane Blocks video he has "super(material, false);" but that was not working so i got no errors when i changed the statement to "super(IBlockState);". But when i run this minecrafte will not load up keeps crashing. Code below. In CustomStairs.java In CommonProxy.java I am a NOOB at this Modding thing so was guessing the super(IBlockState) and null statements. I have tried to follow the other tutorials and from post here but they are confusing as there is many ways to do the same thing. If someone could help I would very much appreciate it Zen
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