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Mikinilsen/MathiasVO053's Achievements

Stone Miner

Stone Miner (3/8)



  1. sorry for the long time, i had to sleep and go to school thank you for your help i'm still learning the new 1.8 rendering engine
  2. so, i've got a problem(if you couldn't tell from the title) i'm trying to update my mod from 1.7 to 1.8. the problem is that i for some reason can't get the physical texture from the armor(the texture that is gonna be on top of your skin) to work does anyone know what i need to do? https://github.com/mikinilsen/RobinSamseCraft/tree/master/java/dk/MathiasVO053/RobinSamseCraft
  3. does anyone know how to check if an itemstack is a spicific item? for example: if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 0, 1, true && itemstack1 == Items.beef)) {}
  4. I FIXED IT!!! it was the "addCraftingToCrafters" method where i gave the "InfuciumCount" a wrong ID...(i feel kind a stupid right now...) thanks for all the help you've given me
  5. ok, i'll update the raposetory when i make changes. and i'm very new to git so that's why i havn't used a .gitignore
  6. that's probably becourse i copied this code from the "infuser" and i aparently overlooked that... i've tried to remove it but it doesn't help thanks
  7. yea, but why shouldn't this work?
  8. hi sorry it took this long, but i had some computer problems... now i think i got the github right(i hope) thanks https://github.com/mikinilsen/RobinSamseCraft
  9. ok now i've uploaded my whole workspace: https://github.com/mikinilsen/RobinSamseCraft.git
  10. is this better? https://github.com/mikinilsen/RobinSamseCraft.git
  11. ok, i'm glad it's not me just being an idiot... thanks
  12. better now? http://pastebin.com/1BNPqgap
  13. no i don't pastebin... i've never used it before
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