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Everything posted by FriendlyMailbox

  1. I'm enrolled in a Minecraft Modding class that also teaches Java, and we code in 1.6.4, then move to 1.7.10 and 1.8. I'm relatively new to MCP and I do know how to look for code in the files, but its not that easy for a newbie to do it.
  2. I give up... Is there some source code I can look at? Ive been trying to figure this out for hours...
  3. Hey diesiben07, I was taught a different way to code the item. I only have been coding for about 4 months, and I know some Java, but im new to MCP, so pardon my mistakes. Right now I have this code, and it still doesnt work: PortableJuicer = new NewItem(2034, "PortableJuicer").setUnlocalizedName("Portable Juicer").setContainerItem(null); GameRegistry.registerItem(PortableJuicer, "PortableJuicer"); If this doesnt work, is there a example code for this I can look at? Thanks in advance
  4. Hey dude! "nameofitem = new Item().setUnlocalizedName("nameofitem").setContainerItem(NameOfContainerItem);" didnt work out for me, neither did diesieben07's way of doing it. My code looks like this : PortableJuicer = new NewItem(2034, "PortableJuicer").setContainerItem(PortableJuicer); GameRegistry.registerItem(PortableJuicer, "PortableJuicer"); LanguageRegistry.addName(PortableJuicer, "Portable Juicer"); And it still doesnt work when I craft with it. It just disappears after crafting. Any more help?
  5. Hi fellow modders! I just need a quick favor. Im in 1.6.4 and i want to know how I can make a crafting recipe somewhat like a cake, where when you craft the cake, it gives the bucket back when you take the item from the crafting table. Instead, I would like a recipe something like that, where i can get an item back from the crafting grid after the recipe is completed. Thanks to anyone who answers in advance, and dont hesitate to ask questions if i wasnt clear. -Mailbox
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