Hmm, just noticed that some code didnt get pasted.
So I got;
public void onSmelt(PlayerEvent.ItemSmeltedEvent e)
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) e.player;
player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("TYETJOASD"));
if (e.smelting.equals(Items.baked_potato))
player.addStat(AE.bakePotato 1);
But the achievement is still not unlocking, neither am I getting the chat message.
What am I missing here?
(Also; I do know basic Java, but it has been 3 years since I programmed with Java, so things go about slowly. Also; Forge was diffrent back then.. Very diffrent , Nothing of my old code was usable.. )
So I am sorry for the stupid questions; I really am. But how do I compare with the event, and an Item?
(Also x2: I know what == does, it compares 2 values to see if theyre the same... right? )