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    Let's mod!

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  1. Hey there, I want to get the count of loaded chunks in a dimension. My only clue right now is using the ForgeChunkManager class which didn't help either, because there is no method that returns all loaded chunks. Is there any way of getting all loaded chunks in a list or something similar so I can count them? Best regards, Bent
  2. Thanks for your answers, I will get back to this topic next week!
  3. I want to count ticks (not in but for) one of my classes, where I'd like to implement a cooldown for a command. Because I am just beginning mod development I have no idea how to increase a number every tick because I cant get a event handler working.
  4. Hey there, I want to count ticks in my mod, to delay some methods. I found out that onUpdate() gets called on every tick, but I don't really know how to use this. I know I need some kind of event handler to implement this but while being a complete modding greenhorn I don't really understand how to implement this. After searching through a lot of threads and tutorials I couldn't find recent information that helps me for Forge 1.7.10. How do I need to use onUpdate / what kind of event handler do I need for this?
  5. That's the hint I needed! Quiet obfuscated function name How do you find such things out? Is there some kind of "command reference" ? Or did you just find it by it's parameters?
  6. Thanks, I tried but it keeps telling me that the method canSendCommands() is not defined for ServerConfigurationManager. I am using forge 1481 maybe that's the problem. [...] EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) sender; MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().canSendCommands(player.getGameProfile()); [...]
  7. You don't copy method. You use it with instance of ServConfMgr: This: (check for nulls) MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().canSendCommands(gameprofile) Or this: ((EntityPlayerMP) player).canUseCommand() // server-side only! Depending what you need - look at code. 1st one is more "internal". [...] EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) sender; player.canCommandSenderUseCommand(p_canCommandSenderUseCommand_1_, p_canCommandSenderUseCommand_2_) ServerConfigurationManager scm = new ServerConfigurationManager(null) { }; [...] That's the only thing I can get. The method "canUseCommand" does not exist. Wheter for player, nor ServerConfigurationManager. I guess I am missing something out?
  8. Okay thanks but this method seems to be cut out of some code. Can't get it to work right now because I don't know of what object type "this" is / what it's referencing. Something of a MinecraftServer class I guess?
  9. Perfect, will work through this One final question for now: How do I check if a player has OP status? Is there any prebuild method that returns player status (I dont seek for gamemode status)?
  10. Perfect! Can you recommend any good site to get all the needed information to get started with mod programming? Is there any Javadoc for the never 1.7.10 Forge versions?
  11. Hello there, I am new to the Forge modding community. I have been setting up and maintaining forge servers a long time, now I have started programming my own mod. My first mod is a mod that only needs to be there on the server side, because it only listens for some commands and teleports players that's it. But after successfully programming and building the mod, I can't connect to my testserver without having the mod installed on the client side. So my question is: How do I make a serverside only mod? What do I need to add to my code? Thanks in advance, my experience so far is that it's quiet hard to get started with Minecraft modding because getting information is not ease
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