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Pirate Gamer

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  1. Well, I don't really know how this works, as I'm still begining to learn java...
  2. I've been thinking about if theres a designing GUI plugin for Eclipse, as I already used some on programs like Netbeans and Microsoft Visual C# 2010, and I've already used it on a cool IDE wich is "noob" friendly called ROBLOX studio, this one is for a website called Roblox where games are made by the community, this one already had a GUI design integrated, as It was a little different from common IDEs. But I wanted one plugin that let me create the GUI and see the preview, so I didn't have to re-open the game every time I want to test it, It would be easier for making a GUI too... But I don't know if there's one plugin like this for eclipse wich is compatible witch minecraft... Or is there some kind of other program that I can use to make the GUI and costumize it as I want and the export its code to use it on my mod? I'm doing a mod for 1.6.4 actually...
  3. Well, Thank you guys... Thats working fine now This will help me a lot!
  4. It said me to go to <main menu> -> Window -> Preferences - > General -> Content Types and make shure that all the contents have the "encoding" set to UTF-8 or not set. But there are some that are set to ISO-8859-1. Can I change it to UTF-8 or should I not touch that? Also, I don't have the "Web" content that appears on the link. I have done everything except changing the ones that as ISO encoding to UTF-8 cause I'm not shure if I can do that, or if it is going to make troubles. and i didn't set the "Web" content cause, as I said it doesn't appear on my eclipse. But this way it is just like before, it didn't maked any change
  5. I'm using Eclipse
  6. Hi! I wanted to make a lang file for my mod, it was pretty easy but actually I got a problem. As I'm actually from Portugal, I wanted to make translations for portuguese and portuguese from brazil, for both... I already made a version for english but portuguese as accented letters... just like this ones here: á,à,ã,â but when I put accented letters, this ones get switched by a "?" inside of a square(a rectangle to be honest ) So I want to know how to fix this!
  7. Hi, I want to make magics based on particles. For example a fire magic, if I press a key some fire particles will be "spawned" and set a mob or a block on fire when the particles hit them. I want a code where I can set diferent things like, wich particle I'm using, the effects when it a mob or a block, the number of particles (if there will only be a particle or lots of particles),the color of the particle(if it's possible to change the color without making new particles), the size of the particle(if its possible...), and the key that I will be using to use the magic. If you can give me a code where I can change all this things, I would be able to make lots of magics...
  8. Actually I've already seen an API, that API give me the idea to do that but I didn't understand how to do it, So I want one with a easier explication
  9. Yeah, if I had the money... ahah
  10. So I want to make a survival tab, just like the creative tab but at the survival inventory, I have already made a creative tab, and I've seen post about how to do it but it didn't worked because it was really confusing, so I want to make my own. I need to know how to put content on it too. As I said on the last post I am doing a magic mod so I want to make this tab have the magics, so there you can enable/disable the magics you have learned. So I will probably have to make a class for the tab content right? So yeah if there's a video or a simple tutorial it would be awesome, thanks
  11. Actually thats not the problem, as you should know minecraft changed the OpenGL version and my computer can't run higher, if you have a low graphic card, at version 1.7.2 it will be appearing a message warning that you will not be able to run other versions, and I really can't, as the game crashes on 1.7.4 and other versions. Then I decided to make the game for 1.6.4 and then make an update for 1.7.2 and I'll be updating this 2 mod versions, I started with 1.6.4 because 1.7.2 got a little more lag, nothing that I can't run, I can run it but to run with mods I have to use Optifine, I always use Optifine when I use mods, I know that lots of people are using 1.8 and now there is coming the 1.9, but actually is better to make for 1.6.4 and 1.7.2 for lots of reasons, for example 1.6.4 and 1.7.2 almost everyone can run it, and there is lots of video tutorials for 1.6.4, 1.6.2(wich works in 1.6.4 too) and 1.7.2, as I said, I'm a new modder and almost everything I've done was by watching videos.
  12. And now awnser me, why would I make a mod for minecraft 1.8 if I can't run it?
  13. So i'm a new modder. actually this is my first video and I'm needing somethings. I need to make a level system, a mana bar that will increase when I level-up And how to make magics(I don't want magic items, I want to make magics that should appear when you press a keyboard key) If there's a tutorial about how to do one or more of this things it should be very helpfull I already tried to make a mana bar and I did it but the mana bar didn't appeared because of one annotation. As I say i'm a new modder so I need a good tutorial, one that i don't get confused ahah I'm modding at Forge1.6.4-
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