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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I am working on an addon for another mod that is currently 1.8.9 only, so that is unfortunately not an option.
  2. Hi, I need some help understanding what's not working here... Basically I wanted to rewrite my tank multiblock's onBlockActivated code so that it also works with TConstruct buckets (which use the universalBucket). I got them working, but now FluidUtil.interactWithTank returns false with vanilla buckets (water,lava)! I tried debugging, but I'm still clueless...I couldn't find much info about the universalBucket, so I might be missing some obvious details, I hope you can help me. (Naturally TileFountain implements IFluidHandler) Original code: Trimmed java version:
  3. I'm trying to make a shelve (old and bad pic here -> ) This shelve has 4 slots that will store items, much like the Bibliocraft version does, with the exception that it will have special models for certain items. Also, I'd like some items, primarily Thaumcraft's wands and staves, to take more than 1 slot: a wand would occupy horizontally 2 slots, and a stave would take 4 of them. That means it would take the slots of another shelve adiacent to it, if present. So, it would then become a multiblock. What would be an efficient way to make this work? At first I thought of just having 4 booleans per TE, or maybe something like each slot being a subclass of the abstract class Slot, extended by Free, Taken, Shared. It might be too inefficient, but using just booleans could make reasoning about shared slots hard... How would do it?
  4. Okay, I feel more confident now...I'll try to get it working on my own, thanks for your help
  5. Hi, I need some help understanding how to use the new capabilities and IItemHandler from the old IInventory / ISidedInventory. My main source of documentation is this : https://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/ So, what I think I got right is: The vanilla TileEntity.class already implements ICapabilityProvider Forge provider the IItemHandler Capability, to use wherever you would use the old interfaces. Implementing it means overriding getCapability() and hasCapability(). In the TE class? Make my own implementation of IItemHandler for my inventories (don't use ItemStackHandler). But then the two methods above don't use it? What goes in my TE class and what goes in a different ad hoc one?
  6. Hey, following your instructions actually fixed it! Thanks alot And sorry for the late response but I had kindof lost hope
  7. Hi, I need some help with this Tabula model, which I render in a TESR. Basically, all the faces that should render in direction can only be seen from the opposite one (akin to what happens if, when using the WorldRenderer, you use an anti-clockwise order). I've tried moving some blocks inside Tabula and manually switching some parts in the class, but nothing changes. Can you help me? The model class: Pictures.
  8. As title..I've worked with TESR on 1.7.10 and while in the process of porting to 1.8 I had to rely on it once more...the problem is, something's not right! Here's my code: And here is what's happening...the model follows the player instead of sticking to the TE's coords! Ignore the black and purple texture, I just haven't finished the texturemap yet. But why is this happening?
  9. I found out it was a logic error...sorry for opening this thread
  10. Hi, I'm trying to have MC place some stair blocks (non-vanilla, but they directly inherit from BlockStairs) and I got stuck with having them placed in specific directions. Here's a sample: world.setBlockState(pos, BlocksTC.stairsArcane.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, EnumFacing.EAST)); The stairs class (not my code, of course ):
  11. I see...I think I'm more comfortable with those now, thanks for your help
  12. Hi, I need a little help for the changes I found in MC 1.8...I have three main questions: 1): About jsons. The model/item ones are pretty straightforward, but I'm a little confused about the other two. In this doc ( http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/ ) the textures AND the models are applied in the /blockstates jsons. Shouldn't the model be set inside model/block/ (as a "parent")? Or is it that the default model and texture are set in the model/block one and can be overridden by the /blockstates json? Are those jsons the new main way to have custom models without a Tile Entity? 2): About IProperty. I think I got how it works by reading this ( http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials/basic-modding-1-8/blockstates-and-metadata/ ). The 1.8 way to use them for making the placed block face you is probably more clear than the 1.7.10 way. The question is, how can I combine the blockstates json with them? Am I right if I say that there is no practical difference between PropertyInteger and PropertyEnum? 3): I'd like to have a BasicBlock class and a BasicTEBlock class for plain and te generating blocks. Is it possible to have both classes have the new metadata code inside them, and be able to choose to use them or not to with those blocks' subclasses? I was also thinking about making BasicTEBlock a subclass of BasicBlock, and copy inside the former BlockContainer's body...
  13. Forge : CCC : NEI: : I tried having them only in /lib as well (and I did refresh the dependencies), but it still crashes. Log:
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