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  1. Good idea will dig this
  2. Hell no, i dont want to download mods. for example i would have a different directory for example called "mods2" and if the mod is selected i move it form the directory "mods2" to "mods"
  3. by modception (inception reference tho) i mean: using forge i load a mod that create a modlist and from this modlist i select which mod i want to load and i load them so i use a mod to load mods => modception
  4. hey guys, i was wondering if it was possible to restart the ForgeMod loading process without closing minecraft, Example : START of the game -> Selection of mod you want (using a mod) [modception] -> RESTART of forge modloading -> mod selected from the modlist are now loaded To make this idea possible, the only thing i need to know is if there is a method to Make forge unload all the mods and restart the loading process and Which one it is or where is it located. Thanks by advance
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