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Everything posted by PSmithgamer

  1. Okay, I'm a real noob at this - I'm really sorry. But It says implements excepted, I understand that this means there's like a method that needs writing but I have no clue what the method is. It doesn't want to write it for me too,
  2. try adding this to your glass class: @Override public EnumWorldBlockLayer getBlockLayer() { return EnumWorldBlockLayer.CUTOUT; } example: I believe this should fix your problem
  3. How would I go about making it so that my log works like a normal log when being placed? I've looked in to it a bit and I got my textures to work correctly! But I have no clue how to change the block(or textures) around! I've looked at the default log texture files and I've basically copied them and edited it correctly to the correct file names. So, over all, I was just wondering how I would go about making the block change then.
  4. I'm trying to make a GUI but I'm really confused how to, I've looked at the title entity for the furnace and the GUI for it. But I don't understand it very well at all - so I'm wondering if anyone can pass me on to a easy understandable 1.8 tutorial or give me some advice so I can understand it easily. **The GUI I want to create is for a grinder that grinds wheat in to flour, so I thought the furnace would be similar that is why I looked at that one.
  5. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/276a65cde513b280780b There are four errors showing up in the log (8 but they repeat twice each).
  6. Okay, to continue a lot of my last posts because I've been working on this for 6 hours now trying to get leaves to work... I have successfully created the block, but the textures are killing me and not working. So I've been searching the internet using this troubleshooter guild http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.com.au/2015/03/troubleshooting-block-and-item-rendering.html. But it has turned up nothing with my code. So I've gone though all rendering and personally I cannot find a single thing wrong. I've even try to recreate the block yet I get the same problem. So if anyone knows what I can do to fix this or give me a different link to fixing this problem I'll be very thankful! Block registration class - the blocks are mango_leaf and mango_leaves Mango leaf Mango_leaf blockstate Mango_leaf model block Mango_leaf model item Mango_leaves Mango_leaves blockstate Mango_leaves block Mango_leaves item Files
  7. ah thanks for clearing that up for me!
  8. I'm such a noob to ask this but how would one do this? I've had an attempt and so far it say it doesn't want the @Override >
  9. I'm currently making a leaf block for my tree - but so far when ever the leaf block is broken it drops both the block and the mango so I need it to only drop the mango if its broken by hand and only the leaf if its broken by shears! Second thing, if anyone knows how I can make the leaves decay like a on a normal tree that will be fantastic. I'm sorry if this is something simple, I'm still learning Java and Forge. (code is in my event handler class)
  10. Well, I've been trying to make a custom log for a tree structure I am spawning in. I've copied and pasted all the .json files that the oak log had and edited them to what I think makes it work. Although. this seems not the case. In the console it will say " [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location am:mango_wood#normal not found" I have no idea of this, I'm checked my files and the order of them but I can't find anything so I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. mango_wood.json blockstate mango_wood_bark.json models, block mango_wood_side.json models, block mango_wood.json models, block mango_wood.json models, item Files
  11. Well, I'm a noob because I can't work this out. But I want to check a block under the point which I'm going to spawn a tree - I only want it to spawn on grass. But it currently spawns everywhere. So my noob request is how can I check if there is grass under the block I'm going to spawn a tree above. Well, if we don't ask we can't learn! (I understand if ya reply with hate v-v)
  12. Already currently learning it :3
  13. I'm currently trying to make trees spawn in my world, so I made a new class to write it in (below). It keeps coming up with errors, and I'm really confused by it. I know the code might not be very efficient, I'm still fairly new so if its something really easy and I'm missing it - sorry. The error is connected to the class name (public class WorldGenTree extends WorldGenerator), "The type WorldGenTree must implement the inherited abstract method WorldGenerator.generate(World, Random, BlockPos)" Below is also the file I actually generate it in.
  14. Well, I currently have made an item called "Mango" pretty sure you can guess what it is and what it does. Anyway I would like to create a custom tree for it to fall from! But I've looked around on the internet for a tutorial, and sadly, all I could find was a few for 1.6.2. So if anyone can point me to one that can give me the knowledge I'm looking for(simply generating custom trees including wood and leaves :')) So if anyone could link me to a tutorial, or tell me how it is done, that could help me with my little problem of not knowing how to do this, I would be very thankful!
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