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  1. I installed the latest version of Minecraft and then installed the latest version of Forge. I can get Minecraft to start and play. However, Forge is not showing up in the game. It is listed as a profile in the launcher, but then it doesn't show in the bottom left corner of the game when it starts. We have played Minecraft (using Forge and several mods) on this computer before, but when I updated everything, it stopped playing nicely together. I have tried moving the forge installer from the .minecraft folder to the mod folder, but neither worked. I tried installing a client and I tried extracting the file. I am at a loss how to help my son use this game again. Thank you for your help. FML log: http://pastebin.com/Jn3xubwh
  2. I downloaded Forge and it worked well. I downloaded Archimedes Ships Plus and put the file in the mod folder. Forge tries to start, but doesn't get past step 1/7. It just goes to a white screen. Maybe I installed the mod incorrectly? FML log: http://pastebin.com/FFB3n3K2
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