I'm pretty new to Java, as I took a course on it a couple weeks ago. I'm currently taking a course on programming Minecraft mods, and next week I'll be able to program my own ideas as I'll be finished the standard part of the course. I'm not sure how to program a greenhouse multi-block structure similar to a Big Reactor that will allow plants to be planted inside it, speed up the growth speed, and make the crops yield more food, as well as protect them from diseases. I was wondering how I would program in something similar to Big Reactors where it requires a frame of Greenhouse Blocks and Greenhouse Glass windows, with a Controller as well to check how much the increase is. The increase is multiplied by 0.5% per glass block for increasing the gain, and can only have dirt and greenhouse blocks as the floor. I have no clue how to code a lot of this, so could any experienced coders help me out here?