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Everything posted by xStuffAndThingz

  1. I was originally going to do this during a modding course, but the course finished yesterday. It would be great if you could give exact instructions.
  2. I've made all of my blocks render properly and added them into the game, and I've been reading a little about tile entities and I took a quick look at some code for different Multi-block structures. I'm not sure how to create logic that allows me to make the greenhouse with walls of GH Glass or Blocks that have to have the frame as GH Blocks. I would also like to leave out the part with only having certain blocks in the interior so anyone can decorate their GH however they want. Can someone give me a starting point or tutorial on where I could learn how to make this?
  3. I'm making a type of glass for my mod, and I've coded the json files properly, and the texture I'm using is transparent. The glass renders as transparent in my hand and in my inventory, but when I place it down there's a weird black texture in the areas where it should be transparent. Does anyone know what could be wrong? This is my code for the glass block's class. package xstuffmods.rfnp.blocks; import xstuffmods.rfnp.RFnP; import net.minecraft.block.BlockBreakable; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; public class GreenhouseGlass extends BlockBreakable{ public GreenhouseGlass(Material materialIn, boolean ignoreSimilarityIn) { super(materialIn.glass, ignoreSimilarityIn); GameRegistry.registerBlock(this, "greenhouseGlass"); setUnlocalizedName("greenhouseGlass"); setStepSound(soundTypeGlass); setHardness(1.0F); setResistance(0.0F); setCreativeTab(RFnP.cTab); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } }
  4. I'm trying to program seasons into my game, but I don't know how to change the temperature of the biome once its generated so I could make it rain more and/or be a lot colder or warmer during certain seasons. Does anyone know how to go about programming this?
  5. Thanks for telling me the process. I'll try figuring that out and let you know how it goes. This helped quite a bit.
  6. I'm pretty new to Java, as I took a course on it a couple weeks ago. I'm currently taking a course on programming Minecraft mods, and next week I'll be able to program my own ideas as I'll be finished the standard part of the course. I'm not sure how to program a greenhouse multi-block structure similar to a Big Reactor that will allow plants to be planted inside it, speed up the growth speed, and make the crops yield more food, as well as protect them from diseases. I was wondering how I would program in something similar to Big Reactors where it requires a frame of Greenhouse Blocks and Greenhouse Glass windows, with a Controller as well to check how much the increase is. The increase is multiplied by 0.5% per glass block for increasing the gain, and can only have dirt and greenhouse blocks as the floor. I have no clue how to code a lot of this, so could any experienced coders help me out here?
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