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  1. Requiring users to put it into the libs folder is okay for me. It doesn't make much sense to create a core mod just do load a library anyways... and thats what i meant with "other mods being able to use it" - not to rely on a certain core mod, but rather on a jar file being present in the lib folder. However, the library doesn't appear to get loaded when i place it in "lib", Forge exits when encountering a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception. I don't have this problem starting Minecraft from the IDE, where i have the lib in the classpath. Maybe i overlooked something or i'm just a total noob, but how would i get the lib loaded so its classes are available to my mod code? Umpani
  2. Hi there! A mod i'm currently working on utilizes SQLite to store data on the server side. What would be the recommended way of deploying and loading the library jar file for SQLite so it can be shared with other mods which might use it? I guess the MINECRAFT_ROOT/lib folder, were other libs like guava are already located would be a good choice. How would i make Forge load the library and how do i signal Forge that i need it within my mod's context? Thanks in andvance, Umpani
  3. Thanks for the input, i think i will modify the Minecraft class for now and implement the third option later on: render my stuff to a FBO with an attatched depth/stencil buffer before rendering it to the default frame buffer. I prefer to avoid fiddling with major MC classes unless its absolutely necessary. Thanks, Umpani
  4. Hi there! I'm quite new to MC modding and not familiar with all of Forge's features. I'm experimenting with some alternative GUI rendering at the moment for which my code requires an 8bit stencil buffer to be available within Minecraft's OpenGL rendering context. By default, Minecraft seems to initialize the context without stencil buffer, which leads me to my question: Is there any way for a Forge mod to signal that it requires a stencil buffer? or will i have to modify the startGame() method of the net.minecraft.client.Minecraft class as I'm doing right now? (changed the Display initialization to Display.create((new PixelFormat()).withDepthBits(24).withStencilBits(); ) As far as i understand it, this would require users of my mod to modify their minecraft.jar instead of just copying the mod file to the mods folder. It might also lead to incompatibilities with other modifications (i could imagine that OptiFine for example also replaces some OpenGL initialization code). Cheers, Umpani
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