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Follow Updates @ Fatality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features Adds a ocarina, where by playing various combinations of notes. Allows the user to manipulate the world around them. Crafting Gui API If you want to add your own songs to the ocarina there is an API for that And then just register it your mods pre init SongRegistry.instance().registerSong(new songXYZ()); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOADS This mod requires Forge! You need forge version or later! This mod requires Minecraft Version 1.9.X! Forge download link: - http://files.minecraftforge.net/ Fatalitiiis Ocarina Download Link [mod]243386-fatalitiiis-ocarina[/mod] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change Log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs If you find any bugs please report them on CurseForge or MinecraftForum post so that I can look into them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If people have any ideas for any features that would like, I am more than happy to add them and get updates pushed out to everyone.
Updated to V.0.1.3 Allows for Swords, Arrows, Bows to be stored and displayed in the pedestal
So i have been told haha but this is 1.9 Forge: Just seems to render when it wants haha
Just a quick update on the progress, Have a working Gui to change the beam of light from the pedestal.
I have rendered a beacon style beam from a tile entity and it works but only when you are looking at it. but if I look just above my current position then it disappears I have set both max render distance the same as the beacon tileentity and also the render bounding box to infinite @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public double getMaxRenderDistanceSquared() { return 65536.0D; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox() { return INFINITE_EXTENT_AABB; } but still don't know why it is not rendering, any help would be much appreciated
So what is Pedestal? Pedestal is a mod that adds a pedestal to hold swords in with the ability to add a beacon style colour to its render. Follow Updates @ Fatalitiii ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features Adds a pedestal model that the user is able to open a GUI and place a sword and customize how it is rendered in the world. Pedestal with sword Empty Pedestal Beam of light Crafting Gui ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOADS This mod requires Forge! You need forge version or later! This mod requires Minecraft Version 1.9.X! Forge download link: - http://files.minecraftforge.net/ Fatalitiiis Pedestal Download Link [mod]243175-fatalitiiis-pedestal[/mod] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change Log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs If you find any bugs please report them on CurseForge or MinecraftForum post so that I can look into them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If people have any ideas for any features that would like, I am more than happy to add them and get updates pushed out to everyone.
I know that I can use Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(itemStack, 0, 0); for GUI, but I don't have that much control over the way it is rendered
Back in 1.8 I was able to do EntityItem e = new EntityItem(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, 0D, 0D, 0D, new ItemStack(Items.apple)); e.hoverStart = 0F; rendermanager.doRenderEntity(e, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0F, 1.0F, false); And it would render in the gui without any problems. Now after updating to 1.9, the entity turns dark even though I have disabled lighting and also I cannot scale it in the z axis. Any idea?
So what is UtilFatal you may be asking? UtilFatal allows the user to access a range of functions that can help enhance their mod development and also is required for mods that I develop. As this is only just the beginning there is only a handful of features right now with more in the works when I think of them. I started this last year and only in the last week picked up modding again. CurseForge can be found HERE Follow Updates @ Fatalitiii ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOADS: This mod requires Forge! You need forge version or later! This mod requires Minecraft Version 1.9.X! UtilFatal download link: - Jar & Deobf - Curse Forge UtilFatal MinecraftForum link ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change Log: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If people have any ideas for any features that would like, I am more than happy to add them and get updates pushed out to everyone.
Hey everyone, I'm also doing another mod on the side and even though its not relevant. I just wanted to show off the feature
As of right now, if you where to call the my renderModel(xPosition, yPosition, zIndex, scale, Entity, rotateX, rotateY) You can specify the x and y rotation. But I will ass rotationZ later today. While, if you can specify x and y rotation but if you where to say addTextWithItem(xPosition, yPosition, scale, object); then it has already set rotations so it makes it easier to view items, blocks or entity.
Hey everyone, just a quick update on the api. As of right now, I am working on version 1.3.2 which will allow for a string of text to render with items included; guiElement.addTextWithItem(guiLeft - 40, guiTop - 40, new Object[] { "This is an %# and this is a %?", '#', Items.apple, '?', Items.iron_axe });[/p] This allows the user to define what item or block they want to apply and where by using the '%' followed by any character they want. Because of this, most of the render methods for the guiElement has been re written so if you are using it, then expect it to break sorry
Just a quick update, it does seem to render blocks as they are so I would say that it is possible that it could do it for items as well if they have a render assigned to them
I don't know if it will since I haven't tested it with other mod items. Also thanks it is one of the variables that can be stated when calling the function to set the rotation and I also did it with the mobs just didn't upload the right file.
Sounds good keep me posted or tweet me when you have done it Also on a side note I probably get version 1.1.5 out soon that added the render item and that in a gui as its almost done just a few little tweaks and cleaning up to do.