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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Upon further testing, it seems impossible for me to remove recipes at all. @Override public void onRuntimeAvailable(IJeiRuntime iJeiRuntime) { recipeRegistry = iJeiRuntime.getRecipeRegistry(); for (CrushingTubRecipe r : Recipes.crushingTubRecipes) { recipeRegistry.removeRecipe(new CrushingTubRecipeWrapper(r), "rustic.crushing_tub"); recipeRegistry.removeRecipe(r); recipeRegistry.removeRecipe(new CrushingTubRecipeWrapper(r)); } } does nothing, even though though I know the loop is succesfully calling the methods on all the crushing tub recipes
  2. yeah, I can't craft the items when I remove the recipe, the recipe still shows in jei, though
  3. In undo, I do want to add the recipe, because that is meant to undo the removal of the recipe. The null checks I can get rid of, but they should'nt be causing any problems
  4. I have added JEI integration to my mod, and I'm working on crafttweaker integration. I got it working for one process, the crushing tub, but recipes that are removed still show up in JEI. The method in Crafttweaker's api to remove jei recipes doesn't work, whether I pass it a recipe, or a recipe wrapper. I tried using the instance of jei's recipe registry to remove the recipe directly using more up to date methods, but that didn't work either. Here is the package with my classes for jei and crafttweaker compat
  5. private static ImmutableMap<TransformType, TRSRTransformation> itemTransforms() { TRSRTransformation thirdperson = get(0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.55f); TRSRTransformation firstperson = get(1.13f, 3.2f, 1.13f, 0, -90, 25, 0.68f); ImmutableMap.Builder<TransformType, TRSRTransformation> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); builder.put(TransformType.GROUND, get(0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); builder.put(TransformType.HEAD, get(0, 13, 7, 0, 180, 0, 1)); builder.put(TransformType.THIRD_PERSON_RIGHT_HAND, thirdperson); builder.put(TransformType.THIRD_PERSON_LEFT_HAND, leftify(thirdperson)); builder.put(TransformType.FIRST_PERSON_RIGHT_HAND, firstperson); builder.put(TransformType.FIRST_PERSON_LEFT_HAND, leftify(firstperson)); return (ImmutableMap) builder.build(); } private static TRSRTransformation get(float tx, float ty, float tz, float ax, float ay, float az, float s) { return TRSRTransformation.blockCenterToCorner(new TRSRTransformation( new Vector3f(tx / 16, ty / 16, tz / 16), TRSRTransformation.quatFromXYZDegrees(new Vector3f(ax, ay, az)), new Vector3f(s, s, s), null)); } private static final TRSRTransformation flipX = new TRSRTransformation(null, null, new Vector3f(-1, 1, 1), null); private static TRSRTransformation leftify(TRSRTransformation transform) { return TRSRTransformation.blockCenterToCorner( flipX.compose(TRSRTransformation.blockCornerToCenter(transform)).compose(flipX)); }
  6. I am trying to render an item and a fluid in a tesr, but whenever the fluid level goes over the items being rendered, the items disappear. I've tried diabling depth mask, and using different depth functions, but nothing worked. Could I use different render layers for the liquid and the items somehow? Or is there some other solution? src
  7. Okay, I found a work around. I still don't know why it wasn't working, but I managed to make the transformations happen by hard coding them in in the baked model class.
  8. I am trying to make an item similar forge's universal bucket, in that it can hold any fluid, and render differently depending on the fluid within. I basically just copied the model classes, and the loader, and the blockstate json from the forge source, and it is mostly working, the fluid and bottle have the right textures and stuff, but for some reason that I can't figure out, the transformations from forge:default-item are not getting applied in game. Model class, including overridelist, model loader, and baked model: link Item class, where the model and mesh definition are set in the initModel() method: link The item's json file: link The model loader is registered in my clientproxy class, and initModel() is called in the initModels() method of ModItems.class, and initModels() is called from my clientproxy class.
  9. I have implemented a chest-like tileentity that can be one or two blocks large, but I can't figure out how to allow hoppers and other types of automation access the entire inventory. I have a separate te for each block, and a separate container for each one, but when they are connected, opening one creates a separate container with all the items from both blocks. Hoppers, however, only access the inventory of one block at a time.
  10. oh my god, I can't believe I missed that. Thank you so much!
  11. I'm trying to add a lattice block that can have leaves added to it, and there are way too many variations to use the vanilla format. However, I can't get the forge blockstate format to work. I've double and triple checked everything and can't firgure out what's wrong. The block shows up in-game as a black and purple cube (of course), and I get an error when loading up minecraft, although the game does launch. error blockstate file: { "forge_marker": 1, "defaults": { "model": "rustic:iron_lattice_base" }, "variants": { "n": { "true": { "submodel": { "bar_n": { "model": "rustic:iron_lattice_bar_n" } } }, "false": {} }, "e": { "true": { "submodel": { "bar_e": { "model": "rustic:iron_lattice_bar_n", "y": 90 } } }, "false": {} }, "s": { "true": { "submodel": { "bar_s": { "model": "rustic:iron_lattice_bar_n", "y": 180 } } }, "false": {} }, "w": { "true": { "submodel": { "bar_w": { "model": "rustic:iron_lattice_bar_n", "y": 270 } } }, "false": {} }, "u": { "true": { "submodel": { "bar_u": { "model": "rustic:iron_lattice_bar_n", "x": 270 } } }, "false": {} }, "e": { "true": { "submodel": { "bar_d": { "model": "rustic:iron_lattice_bar_n", "x": 90 } } }, "false": {} }, "leaves_north": { "true": { "submodel": { "leaves_n": { "model": "rustic:lattice_leaves_bar_n" } } }, "false": {} }, "leaves_east": { "true": { "submodel": { "leaves_e": { "model": "rustic:lattice_leaves_bar_n", "y": 90 } } }, "false": {} }, "leaves_south": { "true": { "submodel": { "leaves_s": { "model": "rustic:lattice_leaves_bar_n", "y": 180 } } }, "false": {} }, "leaves_west": { "true": { "submodel": { "leaves_w": { "model": "rustic:lattice_leaves_bar_n", "y": 270 } } }, "false": {} }, "leaves_up": { "true": { "submodel": { "leaves_u": { "model": "rustic:lattice_leaves_bar_n", "x": 270 } } }, "false": {} }, "leaves_down": { "true": { "submodel": { "leaves_d": { "model": "rustic:lattice_leaves_bar_n", "x": 90 } } }, "false": {} }, "leaves": { "true": { "submodel": { "leaves": { "model": "rustic:lattice_leaves_base" } } }, "false": {} }, "inventory": [] } }
  12. After Some debugging, I've realized that for some reason, the tileentity's position constantly fluctuates between 0,0,0 and it's parent block's position, and the rendering method only gets called when the position is 0,0,0, making the tileentity render only at 0,0,0. I'm not sure what is causing this fluctation, but my tileentity code is in a previous post, and I'd appreciate some help
  13. Well I tried that, but it didn't help. Thanks anyways though, as I expect that will be useful elsewhere for me.
  14. These still have a few things that are just for testing, but here they are: Renderer Class Block Class TileEntity Class My custom BlockContainer Class Model Class ClientProxy Main Mod Class
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