Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my entity.
My entity move on a path with .setPosition(), but it happens that the position don't match between server and client.
If the spawn my entity and that start moving, the position is the same or approximately. But if I go out and return in the game, when the entity is moving, the position is more different, like 1 cube, and then I have difficulty to interact with them.
The code for setPosition() is running on both side, otherwise the entity doesn't move or is not smooth(stop and go), only the "speed" is synced with datawatcher.
I’ve see the code of Minecart but I don’t understand how it does it, considering that in the client side make only setPosition(this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ).
I think I miss something.
There is my code simplified:
Register Entity in preInit()
Someone knows what is the problem or what I missing?
Thanks and sorry for my english,