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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hey, I wanted to setup a new Forge Mod, so I downloaded the recommended MDK for 1.8. I used gradlew setupDecompWorkspace but it didnt decompile Minecraft and skips many steps, but it doesnt fail. How do I fix this? Best regards, DeltaDrizz
  2. Hey, I set up a fresh Forge MDK today and I noticed that it didn't decompile Minecraft. I'm using a fresh download of the Forge 1.8 Recommended version. Everything without time needed for that task was skipped. Best regards, Delta
  3. Hey, how can I catch messages, which are sent from other players? (On a server). Best regards and Happy New Year, Delta
  4. I think you can skip some parts, if you don't want to understand the whole thing, but I don't recommend this way.
  5. Just a tip, don't use @SideOnly, use World#isRemote instead. Why? Read up here http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,22764.0.html
  6. Hey Guys, If I create a mod with Forge 1563, can I use this mod with a lower Forge version? Best regards
  7. For those who maybe have the same problem: I solved it. You have to access the private method "loadShader" in Minecraft.getMinecraft().entityRenderer, pass in a ResourceLocation ét voila
  8. Hi, how can I apply a color filter to the whole screen, when I have a PotionEffect? Greetings
  9. Doesn't really matter, but both ways to know would be nice.
  10. I will try this in the morning, thank you! But can you tell me how to make custom particles for a PotionEffect?
  11. Hello there, I just want to know, how to make a custom PotionEffect in Minecraft 1.8 including custom EffectIcon and partickes. In addition to that, I want to know, how to execute code when the effect ends. Greetings
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