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Everything posted by HellSmurf

  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Video on how to install: http://lnx.lu/adJ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ DOWNLOADS (1.4.1): - ModLoader: http://lnx.lu/ady - ModLoaderMP: http://lnx.lu/afS - Dayz Minecraft Mod: http://lnx.lu/bsn - Optional Skins: - Male: - Female: Client Installation Tutorial: http://lnx.lu/afK - Open the Minecraft.jar with WinRar (.minecraft / bin) - Delete the META-INF folder - Install ModLoader and ModLoader MP - Copy everything inside this folder client (DayZModBeta1.4) into Minecraft.jar - Go to the folder. Minecraft - Copy and paste the resources folder (Replace if necessary) Tutorial Server Installation: http://lnx.lu/aep - Open the file with Winrar minecraft_server.jar - Install Server for ModLoaderMP [NOT DELETE THE META-INF] - Copy everything inside this folder server (DayZModBeta1.4) and paste it into minecraft_server.jar ________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEATURES: - Start with 12,000 life - Life Bar and Hunger removed - Melee Weapons (Baseball Bat, Hatchet, Crowbar and Hunting Knife) - Makarov Makarov Mags + - Random Chests - Several Zombie Skins - GUI Interface and Exclusive - Zombies give Spawn day - Only Spawns Zombies - Zombies are now Faster - Spawn of the player next to coast - Peaceful Mode Removed - Brightness only "Moody" - 4 New Food (Baked Beans, Frank and Beans, Pasta and Sardines) - Bandage - Blood Bag - Crossbow - Vision in 3rd Person with unique animations of Makarov and Crossbow - Removed Craft - Sleeping in beds removed. - HUD Stats Adcionado - Multiplayer with Armass - Durability of Melee Weapons Augmented - Increased Damage drop - When falling, there are chances of breaking the leg - Blocks Unbreakable (Except Glass Pane) - Bug Craft in Multiplayer Removed - Makarov Bug Resolved - Random Chests now working - Morphine Auto Injector - Added AKM! -NEW - Added Lee Enfield! -NEW - Added M1911! -NEW - Name changed to negative effects! -NEW - AI zombies changed (singleplayer only for testing)! -NEW - New screen of death! -NEW - In singleplayer, no longer continues after death! -NEW - Bug piston neat! -NEW - Bug of the high number of random chests in BloodBag spawnadas neat! -NEW - Bug of the broken bone to enter the server tidy 50% (not last forever)! -NEW - Time of broken bones from falls increased! -NEW - Fall only cause damage when height is 4 or more! -NEW - Bug bed in multiplayer neat! -NEW - Weapons and ammunition added generated in the chests! -NEW - Weapons and ammunition added in random chests! -NEW * New in-game interface * New tittle menu interface * New in-game interface when you die * New buttons * Ores are no longer generated * Biomes restriction as being generated * Only zombies spawns * Brightness only available on "Moody" * Can't sleep * Cactus deals more damage and there is a chance to let you bleeding * Removed crafting * Changed the colors of the potion effects * Every food regenerates life * Hunger bar no longer regenerates life * Hunger deals 50 of damage * Can't eat cake * Fire deals 600 of damage * Better Zombies * You now drown 3x faster * Drowning deals 600 damage * Some items have a "realistic" look in third person view _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Texture Packs: - MacColt Tutorial: - Install on your minecraft or the optifine mcpatcher - Install any texture resolution with 32x, open the file and copy this texture all this within the file "Minecraft Mod Dayz 32x Texture" and paste in the file texture. - Download: http://lnx.lu/aeO ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Custom Maps: Original Map: Map of: -HelllSmurf -MacColt -Download the original map and customize (if he gets good send a mp with the download and maybe he will stop here!) Download: - Survival: http://lnx.lu/acu - Creative: http://lnx.lu/aeX Map Beta 1.4 per ZombieCraft Team: - Dean - Krayzar Download: -Singleplayer: http://lnx.lu/aeU -Multiplayer: http://lnx.lu/aeJ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Team: - Adryanoalf (Mods) (AdryanoALF Twitter) - MacColt (Textures) (MacColt Twitter) - HelllSmurf (Mods and Map) (HelllSmurf Twitter) Employees: - Venom_Extreme (Disclosure) - Fer0M0nas (Disclosure) - Jarvas (Disclosure) - Dr.M4ster (Disclosure) - TazerCraft (Disclosure)
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