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Posts posted by Freakey

  1. 1. GL > Swing in terms of games.

    2. You did right thing.

    3. As to buttons - extend GuiButton and Override drawing method. Use:


    To draw texture onto button.


    Ok, and where should I place my textures?

  2. Hello Guys, I am developing a Minecraft mod for my server, and I wanted to know if it is possible to change the Main screen. Is it possible for me to use a JPanel for the startscreen, because I have an Eclipse Modification called "WindowBuilder" with that I can easily edit and create windows with JPanels, JLabels etc.


    The startscreen should look like this: 86a409-1441372259.png


    Thanks for you help ;D

  3. Hey Guys,

    I am developing a mod installer for my minecraft mod, and I also wanted to automatically install forge.

    Is there an API with that I could install Forge for my selected Minecraft Version without having the user press any buttons, or can I even do this? I mean, Feed The Beast also automatically installs Forge.


    Do you know how I can do this?


    Thanks for your help :)


    //Sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native English speaker.

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