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Everything posted by shadoskill

  1. I can't seem to find much about it, or I just don't know exactly what to look fore.
  2. So I have a working Connected Textures setup but its a pain to deal with, requiring 63 textures.... I am 90% sure there is a much easier way to do this, I am just not sure how
  3. Thank you! That solves the issue, would not have thought to look there to be honest.
  4. For the life of my I can't figure how to get Code Chicken Core and Not Enough Items to play nice with Forge and Eclipse for MC 1.7.10. After much google foo I have found I should place the dev CCC and dev NEI in my eclipse/mods folder, and in my lib folder as well. Doing so launching minecraft I get a popup asking me to "Select an mcp conf dir for the deobfuscator." so i look in my dev folder for conf none found so some more google foo later I saw a few people downloading MCP separately and selecting its conf folder I get a error of this http://pastebin.com/ntBJx1HY
  5. Iv tried a number of things, returning anything for extractEnergy dosen't change anything. As for the javadoc, unless this is what you are speaking of. /** * Remove energy from an IEnergyHandler, internal distribution is left entirely to the IEnergyHandler. * * @param from * Orientation the energy is extracted from. * @param maxExtract * Maximum amount of energy to extract. * @param simulate * If TRUE, the extraction will only be simulated. * @return Amount of energy that was (or would have been, if simulated) extracted. */ That doesn't help much at all, sure I understand what each one does but I can't get anything to output.
  6. I am trying to create a mod that will convert EU to RF, I know it can get unbalanced its for personal use. I can get my block to accept ic2 EU and store it just fine. I can get RF Cables from EnderIO to connect to my block, but I cant get it to output RF. Is there any form of tutorial for RF api that I could get a link to? This is my TileEntity http://pastebin.com/fmgN2KvS If its a case of me doing something wrong please let me know, its my first time working with mod api's
  7. Yeah the constructor was the cause of everything.. noob mistake there on my part. But everything is working now and I learned a few things that's all that matters!
  8. This is my item http://pastebin.com/cMLiUBgB and this is my EntityItem http://pastebin.com/03qpav3u
  9. Yeah I ended up with a entity item didn't need to really check who threw it, onUpdate checking if its in lava and preventing it from taking damage, and attackEntityFrom i got TnT working etc.. Now just trying to figure why when I throw the Item it looks like a stone block and it doesn't arc and travel a distance like vanilla items.
  10. So I managed to get it working with tnt or lava yay! The only issues are, It looks like stone, doesn't get consumed and when I toss it it goes straight up and doesn't arc like normal items.
  11. Been a few days, still not 100% sure of the cause
  12. Ahh I see thanks!, didn't know you could use "getItem().onItemUse" like that with other items. That was what I was missing.
  13. I am having the issue of the stone under layer isn't lighting correctly as seen here http://i.gyazo.com/341d4fec3ade37b1b1dd379288a510ab.png my ores are brighter then vanilla stone. This is my class for overlaying textures. http://pastebin.com/zXSByxrh A small other issue I have noticed is that all particles are shown behind my ores.
  14. That would work for vanilla only, I am wanting it to work with other mods aswell.
  15. Sorry I worded that bad, I can't figure how when I right click with my item have it plant the seed that is next to it in the hot bar in a area around me. The area bit I can do, and I can get what Item is next to mine in the hot bar.
  16. I am trying to make a Item that can plant seeds next to it in the hot bar in a #x# area. The issue is I need to some how find out if the item is plantable if so plant it in a #x# area
  17. I am wanting to find a way to drop Items into lava and have dropped items exploded by TnT give the player a different Item. So like If I drop Items A, B, and C into a lava block It will consume those 3 and give the player Item D, and If I drop Item A and explode it with TnT it will drop item B.
  18. For me at least "gradlew build" does not put the assets folder in the jar, that might be your issue?
  19. Thanks for that, didn't even notice the LightOpacity in the gif lol. But it turns out setting that made the blocks ignore light and stay dark. So thats not really a issue leaving them were light can pass. Its no were near perfect brightness slightly off still in direct sunlight but I can live with that.
  20. So I managed to fix the crash by removing "renderer.renderStandardBlock" and doing all the faces separately. Now the only last issue is its dark in my hand, and this its real wonky in world. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21990361/16d6c8294246cdc5273d0e647d6045f4.gif https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21990361/ed7c1ff2defea1f3018a8f1e6419dd94.gif I can fix this by putting "Tessellator.instance.setBrightness(255);" but then that makes the ore stand out in darkness.
  21. Yeah not a problem, anything else just tell me. Renderer http://pastebin.com/H176DRmJ Main mod http://pastebin.com/5wbrxftr Block file http://pastebin.com/sv2Wc3Xk world gen if needed http://pastebin.com/G1XcXWX7 Proxy http://pastebin.com/QypyFbWX
  22. Thanks! I actually understood that easier than I thought, took me a bit to figure out what did what. I am not sure why but I am now getting a crash it seems when my overlayed blocks are generated now, it all worked before I changed the blocks. Spawning them in creative superflat they seem to be working, but default world type crash on world load, and disabling my generation code stopped it. I am loading the Renderer code before all of the world stuff. Crash report.
  23. Thanks! I actually understood that easier than I thought, took me a bit to figure out what did what.
  24. It renders nothing when you return true in shouldRender3DInInventory because you don't have anything in your method renderInventoryBlock You need to return true, but also do your own render inside inventories with renderInventoryBlock So just going out on a limb here and ask, is there a simple way to make it render like a vanilla block does in inventory or do I have to go learn about Tessellator and GL11?
  25. Sorry for bumping the thread but still at a loss on how to fix this.
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