I figured it out after some experimentation. First, I copied ItemFood, and edited my own copy of it: First, I took this:
private int potionId;
private int potionDuration;
private int potionAmplifier;
private float potionEffectProbability;
and turned it into this, as I wanted 3 effects:
private int potionId;
private int potionId2;
private int potionId3;
private int potionDuration;
private int potionDuration2;
private int potionDuration3;
private int potionAmplifier;
private int potionAmplifier2;
private int potionAmplifier3;
private float potionEffectProbability;
private float potionEffectProbability2;
private float potionEffectProbability3;
Then, I took
public NewPotion setPotionEffect(int par1, int par2, int par3, float par4)
this.potionId = par1;
this.potionDuration = par2;
this.potionAmplifier = par3;
this.potionEffectProbability = par4;
return this;
and copied/pasted it right under the old one, then edited the new one, note that I changed the name from setPotionEffect to setPotionEffect2, and it uses the new vars, to look like this.
public NewPotion setPotionEffect2(int par1, int par2, int par3, float par4)
this.potionId2 = par1;
this.potionDuration2 = par2;
this.potionAmplifier2 = par3;
this.potionEffectProbability2 = par4;
return this;
Then, I Finally took the code that puts the effects on you, and made it put on the new Effects as well.
The original code looks like this:
protected void func_77849_c(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
if (!par2World.isRemote && this.potionId > 0 && par2World.rand.nextFloat() < this.potionEffectProbability)
par3EntityPlayer.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(this.potionId, this.potionDuration * 20, this.potionAmplifier));
After editing, It should look like this:
protected void func_77849_c(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
if (!par2World.isRemote && this.potionId > 0 && par2World.rand.nextFloat() < this.potionEffectProbability)
par3EntityPlayer.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(this.potionId, this.potionDuration * 20, this.potionAmplifier));
par3EntityPlayer.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(this.potionId2, this.potionDuration2 * 20, this.potionAmplifier2));
Now, instead of just using:
.setPotionEffect(Potion.jump.id, 60, 2, 1F)
You can now use
.setPotionEffect2(Potion.moveSpeed.id, 60, 2, 1F)
And you want to use this code to get your sprites.
public String getTextureFile()
return "/sprites/yoursprites.png";
Remember to use this code to add your new potions/food with multiple effects in-game:
TriplePotion = new NewPotion
And put all the things that you would normally put there.