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Everything posted by ChumYT

  1. What do you mean? I never heard of doing that.... im kinda noobish
  2. java -Xms1G -Xmx2G -jar C:\Users\micha_000\Desktop\El Minecraft forge-1.7.10- I try this every time and nothing happens. A black box appears quick then vanishes.
  3. I have tried. But it dosent work. It never does work unless im putting something in wrong, which i dont think i am.
  4. Whatever the default is. Everytime i try and give it more memory it dosent work. even way back when i tried to host a reg minecraft server, i tried adding more ram and it never worked.
  5. Like the server will load with like 50% memory free for the server, Then It slowly depletes while the server is starting up going from 50 to 45 to 40 ect. Then the server will have no memory left to start up the server. the server will only be loaded to like 60% and it wount budge at all.
  6. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2a0ec411d412d948077d
  7. I am having this issue where my minecraft forge server loses it memory over a few minutes and it then wount boot up all the way. Please Help
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