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Everything posted by Loke

  1. Good point. I'll see if I can figure out how to do that instead. Thanks
  2. Let me start to admit, that I am very new to Minecraft modding. I have this idea, that I have been toying with for my first mod development project. I would like to have a mod that introduced server community goals, that on completion gave access to more mods on the server. For instance, starting the server with only the most basic mods, having a goal to create a total of 1000 torches, mining 1000 stones, smelting 1000 charcoal, etc. etc., and upon completion activate tinkers construct and Pam's Harvestcraft and then give new goals, that on completion gave access to even more mods. A sort of like advancing in "ages" in Age of Empires. Is it possible to do this from within my mod with the Forge libraries? As an alternative, I am considering renaming the jars in the mod folder, but I am a bit intimidated by the task of keeping server and clients synchronized. All help and suggestions greatly appreciated. /Loke
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