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  1. well there has been times without any lag before and around 4 or 5 people
  2. i still get a % is there some tab at the top i have to click?
  3. All the server gave me was a % which was constantly changing about 20 - 80 Download speed is 65.21Mbps Upload Speed is 4.02Mbps
  4. Cpu: AMD A10-5757M APU with Radeon HD Graphics 2.50 GHz What do you mean by what type of internet connection?
  5. I couldn't find exactly where to post this as i'm using bukkit for a gui so i decided here since my server uses forge as its jar file. Hello i am typing here because my modded minecraft server apparently doesn't want to use ram i allocated to it. I know for sure i couldn't have done anything wrong i set my _JAVA_OPTIONS in environment variables to -Xmx11000m i got it to work until i added 2 mods but removed them and now it just wants to lag really bad it says in the gui i use says its using 700mb of ram. The 2 mods i added that later got removed was http://ichun.us/mods/ichunutil/ http://ichun.us/mods/gravity-gun Im running my server in 1.8 with these current mods: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/225608-worldedit https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=cfm Please if anyone knows how to fix this itll help alot.
  6. all i have for jvm args is -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmx5000m
  7. Mc now gets stuck on post Initlization - ender io https://gist.github.com/4dc369d1eebee69ec9ff.git
  8. Ok that seemed to fix it. also thanks for telling me to update it theres some cool stuff in this also i have a server so maybe we could play it and i might set the mods up on it
  9. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/300cc9b7ee69044193fd
  10. could i email it to you?
  11. Is there like a alternate cause this looks like it won't load soon
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