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  1. I have looked, and speak with the Mojang devs often. There is nothing really important in the 1.8.3-7 updates that Forge doesn't already provide. And if you don't want to wait then by all means start updating yourself. Decobfusicate all the changes mappings for the new MC version. Address the reflection and generics changes that were introduced. Deal with the FML/Forge code base Merge. Remember while doing all of this to maintain as much backwards compatibility as you can. I was HOPING to have the update done last week so that there would be a week of testing before I went off to minecon. But i've been sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting on Abrar. Hes JUST NOW finished {I think?} so I will be looking into STARTING the update process tomorrow. I fly out tuesday morning so there won't be much I can do for tuesday/wednesday. So, to surmise, either help, or quit bitching. Also I know what i'm talking about when it comes to shit crap. I know it's been a long time since this was posted, but I saw, somewhere, that one of the 1.8.x updates fixed something about the rendering that it's suppose to improve FPS a lot... Is this true? Is it already implemented on forge? Thanks to all devs for this truly amazing Mod API!
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