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  1. I found a tutorial with "extending GuiScreen" but if i trie to open the gui i got a witescreen.... And in this tutorial he open the gui not with a key...
  2. But i need a Gui not an overlayer And i need a tutorial, i found maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany different ways....
  3. I want to open a Gui with a List of the online Players, then i can click on some player and it open a new gui with informations about this player, like name and skin... Sorry for my bad english German : Laut deinen Namen bist du ja ein deutscher wie es ausschaut Ich will eine Gui haben die ich per Key öffnen kann, dort habe ich dann eine Liste mit jeden Spieler der auf dem Server ist. Wenn ich in der Liste ein Spieler auswähle öffnet sich ein neues Gui wo ich paar Infos bekomme, z.b Skin, name, o.ä.
  4. hello, i tryied to open a gui if a player is pressed a key. But i searched tutorial for creating gui´s and i found many different ways... which one is the correct way ?(open gui on server without forge -> bukkit, vanilla......) My other quetion: how i can get all online players from a none forge server ? good night
  5. i mean how i can write a mod to change the name in the tab list and in the chat, without modify the server ?
  6. it works too if the server is a spigot or bukkit server ?
  7. Okay, Thanks.. One Problem 'PlayerEvent.NameFormat' change only the name above the name, not in chat and not in the playerlist(tab)
  8. ah okay, thanks. how i can get the username from a uuid ?
  9. Hey, is it possible to modify the player names in the tab overlayer (list of online players) and the names over the head? if yes how ?!
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