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Everything posted by Kethas

  1. I might choose a different style for my GUI if no one can fix this.
  2. What I use to try rendering the GUI: mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(BACKGROUND); int k = (this.width - 256) / 2; int l = (this.height - 202) / 2; GlStateManager.enableBlend(); drawTexturedModalRect(k, l, 0, 0, 256, 202); int i = MathHelper.floor_double(this.xScrollO + (this.xScrollP - this.xScrollO) * (double)partialTicks); int j = MathHelper.floor_double(this.yScrollO + (this.yScrollP - this.yScrollO) * (double)partialTicks); if (i < X_MIN) { i = X_MIN; } if (j < Y_MIN) { j = Y_MIN; } if (i >= X_MAX) { i = X_MAX - 1; } if (j >= Y_MAX) { j = Y_MAX - 1; } k = (this.width - 256) / 2; l = (this.height - 202) / 2; int i1 = k + 16; int j1 = l + 17; this.zLevel = 0.0F; GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.translate((float)i1, (float)j1, -200.0F); GlStateManager.scale(1.0F / this.zoom, 1.0F / this.zoom, 1.0F); GlStateManager.enableTexture2D(); GlStateManager.disableLighting(); GlStateManager.enableRescaleNormal(); GlStateManager.enableColorMaterial(); for (Map.Entry<String, Leaf> e : leaves.entrySet()){ Leaf leaf = e.getValue(); Talent talent = Talent.valueOf(e.getKey()); int x = leaf.x * 24 - i; int y = leaf.y * 24 - j; //draw lines. black = unavailable, white = available, green = learned. for (Requirement r : talent.getRequirements()){ mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(BACKGROUND); int rx = leaves.get(r.talent).x * 24 - i + 11; int ry = leaves.get(r.talent).y * 24 - j + 11; //finish drawing lines } //draw talent if (leaf.level == 0){ GlStateManager.color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1f); }else{ GlStateManager.color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f); } GlStateManager.enableBlend(); if (leaf.level == talent.getDesc().length + 1){ drawTexturedModalRect(x - 2, y - 2, 26, 202, 26, 26); }else{ drawTexturedModalRect(x - 2, y - 2, 0, 202, 26, 26); } GlStateManager.disableBlend(); GlStateManager.disableLighting(); GlStateManager.enableCull(); mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(talent.getIcon()); drawTexturedModalRect(x + 3, y + 3, 0, 0, 16, 16); GlStateManager.blendFunc(GlStateManager.SourceFactor.SRC_ALPHA, GlStateManager.DestFactor.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GlStateManager.disableLighting(); if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x + 26 && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y + 26 && completedRequirements(e.getKey())){ List<String> tooltip = new ArrayList<String>(0); tooltip.add(talent.getName()); tooltip.add(""); tooltip.add(talent.getDesc()[leaf.level - 1 <= -1 ? 0 : leaf.level]); drawHoveringText(tooltip, x, y); if (Mouse.isButtonDown(0)){ //handle points } } } GlStateManager.popMatrix(); Most of it is copied from Achievements GUI but some of it is only inspired by it. In game screenshot: As you can see, the talent (achievement icon) is invisible (somewhere in the lowest row of the GUI) and the tooltip is rendered in a completely different place. I can drag the GUI and the invisible talent moves with it. Also, the "Done" button is greyed out.
  3. I tried looking at the source code for the achievements GUI and making my own but now I have no idea what's happening and I encountered some rendering issues.
  4. How would I create something like this?
  5. There don't seem to be any Javadocs or tutorials...
  6. Thanks!
  7. How would I get a client's Server List?
  8. Still not working... Any suggestions on what to do?
  9. May I ask if you even bothered looking in the src/resources directory?
  10. All of my textures are the missing texture purple-black mess and none of my jsons work. The model error is And the GUI error is In addition, my "Distillery" block appears completely see-through. The source-files. Screenshots:
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