So, I'm trying to decompile with Forge (something I have done successfully before!). This error is persistently popping up though. I'm using a clean jar (I deleted my .minecraft and redownloaded everything using the vanilla launcher), with a clean server jar fresh off Yet I get this error persistently:
17:24:46 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !!
17:27:12 - 'runtime\bin\applydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ..\..\temp\temp.patch -d src\minecraft' failed : 1
17:27:12 -
17:27:12 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
17:27:12 -
17:27:12 - 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'net\minecraft\src\RenderGlobal.#'
17:27:12 - ==================
17:27:12 -
17:27:28 - !! renaming disabled !!
17:29:38 - !! renaming disabled !!
17:29:50 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_01\bin\javac" -encoding UTF-8 -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -sourc...' failed : 1
17:29:50 -
17:29:50 - == ERRORS FOUND ==
17:29:50 -
17:29:50 - src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ error: method func_78873_a in class EffectRenderer cannot be applied to given types;
17:29:50 - this.field_72777_q.field_71452_i.func_78873_a(var21 = new EntityHugeExplodeFX(this.field_72769_h, p_72726_2_, p_72726_4_, p_72726_6_, p_72726_8_, p_72726_10_, p_72726_12_));
17:29:50 - ^
17:29:50 -
17:29:50 - required: EntityFX
17:29:50 - found: Object
17:29:50 - reason: actual argument Object cannot be converted to EntityFX by method invocation conversion
17:29:50 - src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ error: method func_78873_a in class EffectRenderer cannot be applied to given types;
17:29:50 - this.field_72777_q.field_71452_i.func_78873_a(var21 = new EntityLargeExplodeFX(this.field_72770_i, this.field_72769_h, p_72726_2_, p_72726_4_, p_72726_6_, p_72726_8_, p_72726_10_, p_72726_12_));
17:29:50 - ^
17:29:50 -
17:29:50 - required: EntityFX
17:29:50 - found: Object
17:29:50 - reason: actual argument Object cannot be converted to EntityFX by method invocation conversion
17:29:50 - 2 errors
17:29:50 - ==================
17:29:50 -
The error seems to be fatal and the install does not finish.
This is what I did:
Downloaded MCP.
Downloaded Forge source (latest version).
Decompressed MCP, put the "forge" folder in with it.
Downloaded a clean Minecraft JAR and a minecraft_server JAR.
Placed the bin/ and minecraft_server.jar in the "jars" folder for MCP.
Ran the "install.bat" script.
It gets to "Recompiling Client" before crashing. I noticed a big list of warnings in another error log for missing fields but I assumed this was the normal "chatter" you get when running programs.
I'm running on Windows 7 64bit with the Java 7 JDK. And my existing Forge based mods (but for 1.2.5 mind you) are still compiling fine.
CPU: i7 2760QM
GPU: nVidia 540M
RAM: (Dell) 8GB
Dell XPS L502X