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Everything posted by bbqroast

  1. Look, I look in the jar, it has a META-INF. I run the forge installer and then it fails to decompile and the META-INF is gone from the jar. Surely this must be something playing up? Or am I doing something wrong.
  2. Exams are over now. Really want to get into some modding. So is there any fix for this issue?
  3. That's the odd thing. These aren't modified jars. They're both fresh. The client jar was obtained by deleting my .minecraft and opening Mojang's launcher. The server jar was obtained directly off minecraft.net/download.jsp.
  4. Forge version Minecraft server version 1.4.2. MCP version 7.19.
  5. So, I'm trying to decompile with Forge (something I have done successfully before!). This error is persistently popping up though. I'm using a clean jar (I deleted my .minecraft and redownloaded everything using the vanilla launcher), with a clean server jar fresh off minecraft.net. Yet I get this error persistently: 17:24:46 - !! Modified jar detected. Unpredictable results !! 17:27:12 - 'runtime\bin\applydiff.exe -p1 -u -i ..\..\temp\temp.patch -d src\minecraft' failed : 1 17:27:12 - 17:27:12 - == ERRORS FOUND == 17:27:12 - 17:27:12 - 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 'net\minecraft\src\RenderGlobal.#' 17:27:12 - ================== 17:27:12 - 17:27:28 - !! renaming disabled !! 17:29:38 - !! renaming disabled !! 17:29:50 - '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_01\bin\javac" -encoding UTF-8 -Xlint:-options -deprecation -g -sourc...' failed : 1 17:29:50 - 17:29:50 - == ERRORS FOUND == 17:29:50 - 17:29:50 - src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\RenderGlobal.java:1789: error: method func_78873_a in class EffectRenderer cannot be applied to given types; 17:29:50 - this.field_72777_q.field_71452_i.func_78873_a(var21 = new EntityHugeExplodeFX(this.field_72769_h, p_72726_2_, p_72726_4_, p_72726_6_, p_72726_8_, p_72726_10_, p_72726_12_)); 17:29:50 - ^ 17:29:50 - 17:29:50 - required: EntityFX 17:29:50 - found: Object 17:29:50 - reason: actual argument Object cannot be converted to EntityFX by method invocation conversion 17:29:50 - src\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\RenderGlobal.java:1794: error: method func_78873_a in class EffectRenderer cannot be applied to given types; 17:29:50 - this.field_72777_q.field_71452_i.func_78873_a(var21 = new EntityLargeExplodeFX(this.field_72770_i, this.field_72769_h, p_72726_2_, p_72726_4_, p_72726_6_, p_72726_8_, p_72726_10_, p_72726_12_)); 17:29:50 - ^ 17:29:50 - 17:29:50 - required: EntityFX 17:29:50 - found: Object 17:29:50 - reason: actual argument Object cannot be converted to EntityFX by method invocation conversion 17:29:50 - 2 errors 17:29:50 - ================== 17:29:50 - The error seems to be fatal and the install does not finish. This is what I did: Downloaded MCP. Downloaded Forge source (latest version). Decompressed MCP, put the "forge" folder in with it. Downloaded a clean Minecraft JAR and a minecraft_server JAR. Placed the bin/ and minecraft_server.jar in the "jars" folder for MCP. Ran the "install.bat" script. It gets to "Recompiling Client" before crashing. I noticed a big list of warnings in another error log for missing fields but I assumed this was the normal "chatter" you get when running programs. I'm running on Windows 7 64bit with the Java 7 JDK. And my existing Forge based mods (but for 1.2.5 mind you) are still compiling fine. CPU: i7 2760QM GPU: nVidia 540M RAM: (Dell) 8GB Dell XPS L502X
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