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Posts posted by ZeroNoRyouki

  1. It looked like it, a bit at least :D


    Nop, wasn't me. I like forums so much that I was not aware that you could smite someone gh


    PS: @Draco18s, to solve your THREE-CLASSES problem you could have a barebone mod class and delegate all the work to the proxy as you are kind of obbligate to use it anyway :D

  2. First off all, I don't care what the 1st tutorial you find on Google say and I was not talking about his use of interfaces to abstract the proxies :)


    It's his implementation the problem


    With the way he is doing it, he will end with "common" code both in his ServerProxy and ClientProxy classes, be it a straight copy of the full code (like he has now) or calls to other classes, as he have to execute it on both enviroments


    And that's "bad" :)

  3. You have duplicated code in your proxies: that's not how the proxy system work


    All game-logic and non-side-specific code should go in a "base" proxy class. You then extend this class to create a "server" proxy class (this will not happen very often) and a "client" proxy class for side-specific code


    In the most common scenario you will end with a CommonProxy class to use as the server proxy and a ClientProxy (created extending CommonProxy) as the client proxy (you can name the classes as you like it, those are just the most used names)


  4. I'm working on a port of Big Reactors to 1.9.x and I've rewritten the classes of the blocks in the multiblock structure (reactor and turbine) and split then in multiple classes to handle specific jobs. So I have a generic base class that handle a generic multiblock-block and that add an ASSEMBLED (boolean) and FACING (EnumFacing) states to the block blockstate. Build upon that class I have other classes for the specific device (controller, power taps and so on) that add their specific states


    So for example, the reactor controller block can be idle, off or on, part of and assembled machine or not, oriented in one of the 6 directions. But not all state combinations are actially used in game (for example, a controller can never be in the "on|unassembled|north" state) so I have a bunch of combos that MC generate but that will never see use, ence my question about the possibility/need to remove them if they are a performance problem


    I known that I can group properties toghether but that move the stage management toward the end of the

    inheritance tree and I don't like that idea too much


    Right now I have no medata to worry about since none of that state is persisted because it depends on the state of the multiblock structure itself

  5. Thank you Ernio and diesieben07!


    I'm already using the Forge blockstate so it's not a question of having to much to type while writing the json file ;)


    I'm just wondering if the unused combinations that get generated but not used in game have some negative effect on the game performance


    I'm building the block blockstate between all the base classes of the block so there are some unused combos


  6. Hi!

    is there a way to remove invalid / unused entries from blockstate?


    Let's say I have a block with 2 properties: ASSEMBLED (true, false) and FACING (up, down, north, south, east, west) and that my game logic will only use FACING=north when ASSEMBLED is false


    Can I make MC ignore/forget the unused combinations? Or there are no drawback with leaving there around unused?


    Thank you!



    PS: my blockstate file include all the possibile combinations, so I have no errors

  7. Hi, glad it worked for you too ;)


    You need to export the material library (.MTL) along with the OBJ file and place it in the same directory of the OBJ file


    Then, open the MTL file in a text editor and change the path of your texture files using the same format as in all the other resource locations you use in your mod (basically, yourmodid:path_to_texture)


    Hope that helps :)



  8. You got the model to work? How did you do this!?


    Yup, with plain vanilla blockstate :)



    All the blocks use the same blockstate:


        "variants": {
            "state=single": { "model": "sand" },
    	"state=invisible": { "model": "thedarkkin:transparentBlock" },
    	"state=renderer": { "model": "thedarkkin:mblock1/multib1.obj" }




    "single" is for blocks that are not part of a formed multiblock (I used the vanilla sand block model because this was a proof of concept rather then an actual machine)


    "invisible" is for blocks that are part of a formed mutiblock but are not the mutiblock render delegate. they are actualy invisible in game


    "renderer" is for the block selected to be the render delegate of the formed multiblock



    Basically when the multiblock form itself, I select one block and delegate to it the job of rendering the 3D model (using the "render" blockstate and it's OBJ model). All the other block will render as an invisible cube.


    You must create the 3D model keeping in mind where the render delegate of your choice is in the whole structure. Mine was in the center of the bottom layer



    The block class override getActualState() and return one of the three possibile states according to the state of the multiblock (how to actualy do that depends on how you implement your multiblock logic)






  9. The log is quite clear


    FML is tryng to load your com.drmdgg.beesmod.proxy.ClientProxy class (as you specified in your SidedProxy annotation) but it cannot find it


    Check the class full name and the annotation



  10. Hi,


    I'm currently working on a mod and now I want to now why Minecraft's performance is so bad.

    So that when I know why Minecraft's performance is so bad I can maybe optimize my own mod to the maximum. ;)


    Thx in advance.



    The first two advices that came to me are based on the code of the many mods I've checked:


    - stay away from "copy&paste" code

    - don't be afraid to use the stack




  11. uhm sorry to intrude, but I really don't understand why you fell the need to save that data on disk and load it all back after a restart


    If the TE chunk isn't loaded you can't do anything with the TE even if you known it should be there.. or are you also implementing some sort of chunk loading on demand?


    Also, what do you do about "abandoned" blocks: say that a player on a server build it's sorting system with dozens of your blocks and then for some reason never use it again (he build a new base somewhere else, never log back in, etc). Are you going to keep track of his TEs forever?


    Just keep track of the TEs that are actually loaded in the game: they are the only ones that players can actually use






  12. Just do this in your client proxy pre-init event handler:


    RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(YourEntityClass.class, new IRenderFactory<YourEntityClass>() {
                public Render<? super YourEntityClass> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) {
                    return new YourRenderClass(manager);


    DO NOT get a reference to the render manager yourself, left MC do that for you


  13. I think that they are just kind of lazy.. the zombie villager texture is the normal zombie one with a new head and cloth added below so they could have used only one texture


    I may be able to pull this off my overriding RenderLivingEntity::renderModel and make it bind a texture / render the model part for each of the parts of the model (so bind+render the head with one texture, bind+render the body with another texture and so on)


    I'm not sure how this will go performance wise

  14. Hi!

    I'm playing around with entities and models and I'm wondering if it is possibile to use multiple textures (from multiple files) to render each parts of the models


    Let's say I have a ModelZombie (composed by the head, body, two legs and two arms) and I want to apply texture A1.png to the head, B5.png to the body, C3.png on one leg and so on. The actual texture files are chosen randomly (between A1, A2, A3 etc) when the entity is created


    I known I can return a different texture in the Render class based on the entity data but that is a single texture file for the whole model


  15. Maybe... If my 32 permutations map to only 16 metadata values, would they occupy 16 slots or 32?


    You are creating 32 block states, half of wich are invalid for your game logic (powered=true,signal=0 / powered=false,signal!=0)



    So far it's working like a charm, even after closing and reopening the world. There are only 16 possible meta values, so what's the worst that could happen?


    Desync :)


    I'd ask why Netty uses the mapping instead of calling the state-to-meta and meta-to-state methods, but I hope I never need to know. I vaguely recall something about Netty being a separate thread, so I'll guess that it has something to do with thread-safe programming. In any case, it is what it is, and now I can see how it tripped up the rendering on the client.


    Becasuse what is hitting the wire is the raw chunk data (a block id / metadata hash for each block in the chunk) not the single block IBlockState


  16. Wow, you might finally have created a use-case for @SideOnly server files and a serverProxy to ref them. If you set them up right, you should be able to build your project twice, first with all pieces in place for yourself, and then with the server-only pieces deleted from your src tree to produce a version for public release. To that end, you might want to organize your files to place all server-only classes into a separate package for quick removal or replacement. Make sure to keep a master elsewhere.


    @SideOnly=Server will not keep the annotated code out of the compiled jar, so it will not work for the public version of the mod and it's not needed for the private version


    @Major Squirrel: I don't know how much code you will actually have in common between the "public" and "private" version of the mod but, again, I'll suggest to go with 2 distinct and separate mods (and 2 separate projects) to keep things clean and separate and to define an API to let the 2 mods interact with each other (if you end up with more than a couple of interfaces see the @API annotation)





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