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  1. Sorry for the double post, but I just tried it with an enderio crafter instead of an rftools crafter and that result is even worse. It seems to cause minecraft to become unresponsive, I start falling through the floor and am unable to interact with anything. So much hassle just to breath oxygen that is already there!
  2. How did you get it to destroy the container exactly? I am playing Galactic Science and I really want to use minechem oxygen instead of having to have huge areas of leaf blocks. I found the following minetweaker script: recipes.addShaped(<GalacticraftMars:item.canisterPartialLOX:1>, [[<ore:element_O>, <minechem:minechemElement:8>, <ore:element_O>], [<ore:element_O>, <GalacticraftCore:item.oilCanisterPartial:1001>, <ore:element_O>], [<ore:element_O>, <ore:element_O>, <ore:element_O>]]); This seems to work in a crafting table but in an rftools crafter it duplicates the empty cells, I also tried the following: recipes.addShaped(<GalacticraftMars:item.canisterPartialLOX:1>, [[<ore:element_O>, <minechem:minechemElement:8>, <ore:element_O>], [<ore:element_O>, <GalacticraftCore:item.oilCanisterPartial:1001>.transformDamage(100), <ore:element_O>], [<ore:element_O>, <ore:element_O>, <ore:element_O>]]); and: recipes.addShaped(<GalacticraftMars:item.canisterPartialLOX:1>, [[<ore:element_O>, <minechem:minechemElement:8>, <ore:element_O>], [<ore:element_O>, <GalacticraftCore:item.oilCanisterPartial:1001>.noReturn(), <ore:element_O>], [<ore:element_O>, <ore:element_O>, <ore:element_O>]]); It still keeps returning the empty cell along with the oxygen cell, which seems to mess up the Rftools crafter. Any suggestions on how to make this work right would be greatly appreciated.
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